The MIRACULOUS Power of ENERGY HEALING: Ancient Techniques YOU can do NOW | Earthing, Body Code, EFT

The MIRACULOUS Power of ENERGY HEALING: Ancient Techniques YOU can do NOW | Earthing, Body Code, EFT

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We’re joined by the authorities on Energy Energy Healing Techniques with Dr. Bradley Nelson, Richard Gordon, Clinton Ober and Nick Ortner.

Often all you require to Heal is Oneself.

Richard Gordon and the QUANTUM Touch, The Energy of the Palms and healing.

Clint Ober on the power of GROUNDING your toes into the EARTH.

Dr Bradley Nelson and the BODY CODE.

Nick Ortner on EFT Tapping.

These are ALL healing approaches you can implement NOW to heal your self, ground by yourself and even more join yourself to Resource.

00:00:00 – Trailer
00:00:48 – Richard Gordon
00:16:59 – Clint Ober
00:39:12 – Dr. Bradley Nelson
00:52:24 – Nick Ortner
01:09:47 – Ending

Comprehensive interviews with the company:
Richard Gordon – at?v=M8FF6j4Kcco
Clint Ober – out?v=wN3kho_Yvro
Dr. Bradley Nelson –
Nick Ortner – out?v=2oB7ATM7h4c

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#InspireNation #EnergyHealing #SelfHealing #Healing

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  1. ❤️❤️❤️thank you for putting this collage of excellent advice into such a neat little package. I so appreciate you and your interviews that you share. You world needs you Darlin. Keep up the good work ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Does the topping make pathogens leave your body or make mercury gas vapors inert?
    I'm just curious because i feel defeated before I can even get started on a path of healing.

    What if a person has two root canal teeth with agressive pathogens flourishing under those dead teeth as well as a lifetime of mercury poisoning from Vaccines and AMALGAM fillings.
    After years of research I found out the medical and dental procedures that caused my body to deteriorate.
    At this point facing diagnosis of Lupus. Disabled without the ability to become financially solvent.
    How do I heal my body if I don't have the money to pay for the teeth to be safely removed.
    Insurance does not cover it, they do not admit their fault or undue the work they did for free the second time. Its frustrating to say the least. What are my options sit around and wait for the day my body is over taken from the physical and emotional trauma. That's pretty sad, whats worse is I'm not the first and won't be the last.
    As long as people continue to buy into the lies and deception of vaccines and the people who control the organizations that cosign our death warrants….I would like to believe that I could heal my body with my mind.
    But every Joe dispenza testimony indicates they had the means to do the treatments to eradicate the problem from their body first. Maybe I'm just too much if a pragmatist or martyr or just too angry to let it go. I know one thing COVID 19 was just more gas poured onto a burning planet they lit the match.

  3. Yeah in American medicine if they don't need to make you spine surgery -no diagnosis, no treatment…..
    I misaligned my mascular by doing wrong excersise. And basically speaking I screwed myself as I don't see how I can undo it..

  4. It's good to know many techniques, however, the sudden cuts of each interview turns me off. It's like getting a bunch of information, but all incomplete. A lot to chew on, but little to assimilate or implement. 🙁

  5. This is what I have discovered in the past year…all healing is for the healer. Krishnamurti said, Life is Relationship. That has stuck with me ever since I read these three incredibly potent words. What this means to me is that every relationship is sacred. Fleeting, short-term, or long-term, each interaction offers it's gifts to both the giver and the receiver. If we approach each interaction with another with honor and compassion…with reverence for the sacredness of this interaction, appreciation for what it has been elegantly designed to offer us…we will receive it's gifts. This is your opportunity to expand, to become greater than your small self, to transcend the limitations of the singular mind and create a ripple effect of honor and compassion that transforms not only your day, but your whole life. This must influence others because that is the nature of love. The nature of nature. Your nature. I am the author of An Elegant Mind's Handbook. It is my honor to share in the gifts that you so generously offer to your audience, Michael. Namaste…

  6. As he speaks of diving DEEP into the painful emotions to get to the treasure of the depth of love we can truly know… I got a mental image of the story of Jesus dying on the cross for all of our sins. Maybe Jesus dying on the cross for all of our sins is a metaphor for us dying on the cross and facing our own multitude of ‘missing the mark’ as we delve deep into our own pain and finding all encompassing unconditional love.

  7. I’m wondering about the grounding thing. I have some chronic illnesses and pain, but it’s winter in Michigan. I have a sheet that I bought a while ago. Should I get a clip on a wire that plugs into the wall socket and lie on it? I really think the
    EMF rays bother me. I’m recovering from a huge toxic overload from breast implants and mold toxicity, but even after 4 years of changing my diet and moving, I’m still having problems like fibro, weakness, and pain. I can go outside in bare feet for 30 ion the snow, so I’m thinking about the sheet I saved and just saw in my closet.

  8. To heal yourself concentration on healing something else heals you faster. Let go of self to allow yourself to explore yourself. Then the world will seem dull. Knowing self is as simple or complex as you make it. Let go and just be the moment. It's not easy is it. You are not using breath with the heart to let go to learn self and letgo again to become new and learn more of what you really are. Man may never reach inside deep enough to recreate what is. This is man's down fall not having faith in themselves like was said in all religions. Truth in your face what you going to do with it? Your choice.

  9. We humans are both negative and positive. Best course of action is the center of it all. You are a conduit of the Information. Only you can decide your direction. Nature itself is positive with negative. No matter what you do you face negative or positive a choice to be or not to be. I say stay in the middle of the two apposing force's. Our free Will is our choice of what we become. It's a choice.

  10. I an that I am and I am all things as all things are in you for I am that you are and will be and has been. Be ye simple and have faith in yourself for I and the father live in the. You are God's I say unto you believer's be ye as I which is all things as I am in you.
    Spoken word your choice. You control you.

  11. Have already experienced the power of earthing and EFT after watching this. Thank you so much for showing these teachings in this way! Extraordinary tools. Have not tried Quantum touch or Emotion code yet… but the video itself gave enough information to immediately work with earthing-grounding and EFT.