Live Podcast – Near Death Experiences

Live Podcast – Near Death Experiences

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Tonight’s attendees are Andrew Radziewicz and Ashley Samborski Attempted to end his life in 2014, and Archangel Michael …

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  1. TO THE PERSON WHO ASKED WHY JESUS DIDN'T COME TO THEM TO STOP A SUICIDE ATTEMPT: Please don't read too much into this guy's answer as he seemed to be saying it happened for him because he's so special and that's not it at all. We all have free choice and I have to believe that you experienced at least some amount of doubt prior to your suicide attempt and that small voice could very well have been divine in nature – all lives are equally cherished and valued by God or whatever you see as God for you. Hang in there, you are loved more than you can possibly know and you are NOT here by some kind of random accident – YOU are important. Blessings to you

  2. We are always with you Jeff and Mara~ thank for all you do~ I believe it helps us to learn
    About our higher self along with our God Spark~ I have been with you guys since first podcast!!! Keep them coming❤❤❤❤❤