Oprah's Spine-Tingling Encounter with a Ghost | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Oprah Winfrey Network

Oprah's Spine-Tingling Encounter with a Ghost | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Oprah Winfrey Network

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  1. If we had evolved with paws and claws, rather than fingers and fingernails, all those flamboyant stories of ghosts and angels, would not exist, as we would simply be down to earth animals. What a pity that religion led us down such a path of egoism!

  2. If, as children, we had been taught, and had believed the following story, we wouldn’t believe in all those imaginary creatures, or be afraid of death. From the book Medicine Madams and Mounties … Stories of a Yukon Doctor * 1933-1947 … Death is the final sleep … The Indians I met were used to death and dying. They saw it daily as they slaughtered and trapped animals for their livelihood. For them everything had its time, ending in death, and they could not understand our fear of dying. “Why do white people fear death?” they often asked me. “Nobody fears the onset of the unconsciousness called sleep yet you are afraid of the final sleep, death.”

  3. Yeah, it's startling to see a ghost. I didn't expect this to happen, but there it is. There was a time when I saw a shadow spirit in my apartment. At first, I thought I was seeing things, but this occurred several times a day for 7 weeks. I was never afraid at any time, and all the spirit did was watch me. I never felt threatened in any way, and the spirit was very shy and timid. After 7 weeks, I did not see the spirit again.

  4. They always say there are no atheist in Fox holes. With all that universal talk, you see she didn't call on Mr Meditation with his diamond studded glasses to help her meditate that Ghost away she called on Jesus'

  5. I had a similar experience, In my first apartment I lived there for almost 3yrs, where every once in a while, 2 or 3x per year, I would see a grayish misty (not solid at all) form walk by me or out the corner of my eye thru a door or wall, it never bothered me and its weird that I was never scared by it, not even a little and I'm usually scared of every little noise in the night. There was a couple of times my music box went off by itself in the middle of the night. Still for some reason I was never scared. When I moved from that apt, right before I closed the door for the last time I made sure I spoke to the apartment and said my goodbyes and thanked it for not freaking me out and I hoped that whoever the mist was would find their peace .

  6. You saw a demon , if you’re belive in jesus, then you believe in the bible, demons, no ghosts a ghost is suppose to be a dead persons spirit it but dead are dead till jesus resserects , but demons can look like anyone appear to snyone and even take on all characteristics of that dead person or scarey person depending on what they want to do. It’s all on the bible but then if you do not believe then you will keep on thinking it’s a ghost

  7. Listen i know what oprah said to be true as it relates to my own experience. Well not only my experience. What happen was me and a friend were at a hospital in Philadelphia, where we witness a girl walk down the hall and she disappeared into the wall near the nurses station. We both turn to each and at almost the same time, we both said, did u see that. Our jaws were on the floor. So i know for a fact that there is something happening that we as humans don't fully understand. I can't definitely say it was a ghost. It could have been a being from a parallel world. Or an inner dimension being, But whatever it was, it was real and we both saw it….

  8. I’ve had 3 encounters that I believe to be of ghosts. I remember one time I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and something just caught my attention from the corner of my eye. I looked and there was a shadow of a tall human figure, and I could see it clearly as my parents used to leave the hallway light on at night, I suddenly felt a breeze and a really unsettling feeling came over me and I ran into my room but couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. Another time, I was doing some school work on my computer and suddenly I felt a clear sensation of a hand touching my shoulder, but I did not feel scared or uneasy, in fact the touch felt loving and calming in a way. Later that night, I went to sleep and dreamed that I was visiting my great grandmother (who died a week before I was born and have only seen pictures of) and I was sitting in her living room where she was showing me pictures of my mom and grandma as kids while telling me she loved me and that she’s so grateful we met. The last and most recent encounter was a few months ago when I was getting ready to make dinner, I walked by my living room near the kitchen and I saw my dog who died a month earlier lying on the couch and looking up at me with the most happy and loving look on his face. It was as if he was telling me he was happy and okay, and I just started bawling my eyes out right then and there. There is so much more to the universe than we know.