A Father's Journey Finding His Son On The Other Side After Death

A Father's Journey Finding His Son On The Other Side After Death

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Podcast visitor 647 is Joe McQuillen, who right after the tragic decline of his son commenced to research the metaphysical and search for out solutions …

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  1. Joe is such a wonderfull father ❤️, I was scrolling through your videos Jeff and saw his face and the title of the story, I never had a father nor share the experience of that loss but me missing a father figure wanted to hear his message cause the title hit me, the pain he felt

  2. My son sounds very like yours.He died last year from an accidental overdose.He desperately wanted to get clean and campaign for a rehab and crisis centre here in Belfast.Our young people have no help or support.Im an Irish Catholic I live in Ireland.I started a campaign in his name Jack's Promise.My sons death is killing me.I feel so bad for my six kids.Im present but I'm not if you know what I mean.Could you please send me numbers of some good mediums.We have none here in Belfast.Jack and I read the secret.He and I watched thousands of ndes for years.I know God took Jack because I prayed the rosary begged every night for him to have an nde be in a coma for two weeks come back change his whole life.Be completely healed to help others.That was his dream.I cursed God I fell out with him.How could he take my child.I was finished.One night it just came into my head.Lorraine I healed Jack the only way I could heal him I took him home.So I apologised to God and I pray the rosary.Im hoping to go to Medjugorje soon.Jack and I was gonna go.He said Our Blessed Mother will heal me mummy.There are many healings there.Our Lady still appears there.A lot of Irish go all the time.Could you please sign my campaign go to Jack Brennan forever on Facebook sign and share with everyone.There are 2 words Jack and I made a pact if any mediums tell me thosec2 words I'll know it's him.I wish I cud speak to you. Thankyou.

  3. I’m going to ruffle some feathers here, but it’s common knowledge that demons are called “familiar spirits”, because they know all about our lives and our likes and dislikes. They are here to deceive as many souls as they just can to pull some with them to hell. There’s no other way to Heaven than Jesus Christ.
    I have similar mysterious experiences with my dad who made a suicide but we are not to have nothing to do with ghosts.
    They are NOT our relatives, as said, they are demons.
    I’m not here for those who wants to continue in their lie. I’m commenting here for those Christians who are now doubting their faith. This is a lie, keep on moving. Every knee will bow to Jesus in eternity.
    May Jesus find His own in this crowd.

  4. Thank you! I just lost my Dad (my best friend) & the love of my life w/in weeks of each other! Ive been struggling w my faith. Very angry w God. I appreciate you telling us about the download you had from God. I needed to hear that!! I'm so Sorry for your loss! God Bless you and your family. Thank you for sharing your story.

  5. What this man is promoting is the rejection of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures. It is a denial of the First of the Ten Commandments. As he says it is not New Age. These are the very practices that were proscribed by Moses who was endorsed by Jesus Christ. It is Old Age Paganism. You can't have it both ways. Wether you are Catholic or Protestant these "traditions of men make void the Power.of God." You can't have it both ways.This is not a new discovery. "It is given unto men once to die and then the judgment. "