He Saw The FUTURE In The AKASHIC RECORDS During His Near Death Experience

He Saw The FUTURE In The AKASHIC RECORDS During His Near Death Experience

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  1. Now do ALL experience the next dimension? Ive heard somewhere (pretty intense podcast) that some welcome it and some become distorted and maybe crazy. Kinda makes sense, seeing whats going on today.

  2. It is not dimension but density.

    Your soul and body consciousness are a personal, unique density. Unique because it has evolved uniquely, in a unique order of events, unique timeline determined by your choices. You are catalogued by density in the sense that you have this or that much light/achievement associated with who you are.

  3. The only thing that I don't believe is that we are learning something in this 3D lower dimension.
    Because as we are Infinite and Eternal Light inmortal "beings", and we had eons of time, that means that we already had experienced everything.
    How many times I have been a woman, or a man, a worker, a killer, a rapist, how many times I have been a thief, a priest, a doctor or a shaman, etc any kind of stuff to experience.
    In eons of time we had being repeating all kinds of characters and scripts and also at each incarnation we don't remember nothing.

  4. I resonate with everything Rafael is saying. Personally I too am so much looking forward to all of this change and what a gift it is to be alive at this time and experience all of the progress and an entire galactic shift. Knowing this makes me a very happy human being indeed. Bless you all.

  5. I remember him from before i don’t know if he told the exact same story but it sounds like the last interview word for word as the more he talks the more I’m sure it’s the exact same things he talked about before. I thought at first it might be a repeat. Not sure we need to hear the same story again especially if you come on the same podcast twice.

  6. I see it like the scenes in Inception where Di Caprio looks at objects and it all crumbles before his eyes. That is similar to what will happen to us God will show that this 3D world is an illusion those who have invested in the false material reality will not be able to cope with it those of us who know will be able to.