Woman Dies During Pregnancy Experiences Two Miracles (NDE)

Woman Dies During Pregnancy Experiences Two Miracles (NDE)

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  1. I was also in a black room when I miscarried my baby and lost a lot of blood that they had me in surgery to make it stop. There in that room it was only me and a toddler and some toys around, the toddler didn’t speak to me but I was playing with him until it was time to go back to reality, it was brief. I woke up confused (like I didn’t know where I was at the moment) but had no doubt that the toddler I was playing with was my baby. The room felt like a waiting room, there was a lightbulb on top of us but couldn’t see anything further because everything else was black.

  2. More and more of the truth is being revealed! All of this is true!!! The “dark” area described is a place known as the “first level”. Also referred to as “limbo”. It is this level that we are closest to our present reality. Most NDE souls only make it this far. The next level is the emergence level. This is where we become aware of “other” spirits, souls, or entities. Very few people voluntarily return to this plane of existence once we reach this point. The third level is where we lose all of our “human attributes”, the five senses. Taste, smell, etc. We can now see in all directions simotain

  3. In an inadvertent hallucinogenic "drug" experience's early stages I found myself experiencing my surroundings as "eternal". I was in a different time/space consciousness! My friend was in his living room and I was in "eternal pain" with stomach cramps, sitting on the toilet! LOL. He paid no attention to me telling he he HAD to just talk to him to help me stay connected to the time/space he was in. He paid no attention! SO this VELVETY DARKNESS SURROUNDED ME, PROTECTED me, HELD me until I began to return to the physical time/space continuum we take for granted because we've physically always lived in it. I could have been LOST had the NURTURING DARKNESS not held me and got me back.

    But that was just the START of a "sort of" NDE. Later a light appeared in my head, like a flashbulb and I experienced my own life in the beginning of my soul's existence! I was a part of helping the Universe discover itself, a "workman unafraid" as the Bible calls it. I came to know so much about the true nature of "Good" and "Evil"… which is a belief in SEPARATION from the ONEness and from all other beings. That's the only problem/sin… Once we think we are alone, FEAR sets in and we do anything we can to feel safe. Walls, money, ego, selfishness, a worship of those false gods that we focus on, instead of being a part of the whole that all things and beings are…

    My life turned around 180° in that time. SO MUCH more I could tell… In fact I did share it as an NDE experience at our local VBIANDS (Virginia Beach chapter of IANDS)…

  4. I bled out, went to the darkness too but the nurse called me back before getting to experience what this woman did. Nice to know it wasn't a bad place, thank you. Although I was slammed back into my body so hard it was incredibly painful, the impact. It was real because I heard the nurse calling my name from a distance, in my mind, and it gradually came closer until I began to hear her with my ears gradually closer, then BAM, the painful impact.

  5. My mom passed 2 yrs ago at 93. She told me a very similar story when she was hemorrhaging from a miscarriage. Then they would pack you with gauze. Mom said she felt herself lifting from her body, looking down at the drs and nurses. Somehow she realized she was dying and begged GOD not to let her die, that she had a small baby and 2 other children to take care of. Then…..just like that she returned to her body ❤️

  6. Experienced the blissful darkness during a nde on a shamanic medicine, it was at night. I think the experience of nde also depends on if it's happening in the day or night.

  7. this suddenly made me remember something really off topic, when she talked about the walls moving. AS a kid when laying in bed I would often look at my walls and the ceiling, and the wall planks would start moving back and forth or the room would become super big and then small. It was so odd but to me it was sort of like a game or fun thing to do with my eyes.

  8. I so enjoy your channel. I didn't have an NDE, but an out-of-body experience. I felt the same as far as people thinking my experience was real (except for one friend who kept convincing me it was real). I thought it was a dream…but it was SO real!!!! When I think about it to this day (it happened in the early 90's) it is like the experience happened yesterday. I read others who have NDE who see some of the same things I saw. I am still afraid to speak about it for fear of ridicule. I appreciate those who share their experiences because I don't feel like I'm crazy. It validates my sanity and brings a joy to my heart. Thank you.

  9. What a beautiful account this is, thank you Claudia!
    Alan, thank you so much for these videos and interviews. I just came across your site yesterday and I am binge watching now. I am learning so much through this. All the best from Germany!