The Bible, Near-Death Experiences and The Urantia Book with Byron Belitsos

The Bible, Near-Death Experiences and The Urantia Book with Byron Belitsos

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  1. Aren't these people a bit shakened when trying to explain the unexplainable like that? As one guest said, and I tend to concur of course, if we can explain "God" (loose term here for me), then what's the point of him/her/it/them being god?
    Now since I really don't know myself, I can't say they're wrong of course. Just asking genuine question.

  2. The administrative chart of creation, as described in the Urantia Book, is mind-blowing. I really enjoyed the book for the explication of the unfolding of creation right down to our little, yet most remarkable, planet. Many blessings to all who search for meaning and purpose in the name of Love.

  3. There is so much depth to this book that one hour barely touches it. The Urantia Book changed my life. I am literally a different person after reading it. I came across it accidentally at a Barnes and Noble in 2014 during an all-time low in my life, in my marriage. I was on a search for truth and nothing satiated my soul until this book came into my life. It answered every question I’ve had, but even more I grew immensely in a personal relationship with God and I fell completely head over heels in love with Jesus of Nazareth; he’s my best friend (never thought I’d say that being raised Mormon) I truly got to know him and love him like I never knew possible. This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my life and I can’t imagine my life without this book. It’s helped me get through my darkest hour – when the whole world had turned their back on me all that I had left was God. And the Mormon experience is not enough because it’s not true. This book speaks truth. No human could write this. It’s main message is the love of God who is our heavenly Father and we are the sons of God if we so choose. The greatest expression of God is best shown through our loving service of our fellows as we go about our daily lives – the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men.

    When we die only one thing matters and we will be asked, What did you do for your fellow man?

  4. Studying enlightened books & teachers, I heard of the Urantia Book in 2020 and was stunned by its beauty, wisdom, & truth about Deity, our planet, the Universe, & humanity. I’ve read it, studying it in depth & am THRILLED with its content! Thanks Byron, I really enjoyed reading, ‘Your Evolving Soul’, excellent. Light and Life ~

  5. I tried to read the Urantia book but its like reading a scientific research paper. There is no soul or spirit to the words. And without knowing just who…or what…wrote it, and what the source of the teachings are, it must be looked at with great caution. It hints at being from some kind of alien source, and that is alarming to me. People have to stop automatically believing that these beings are benevolent because any involvement they have had on this earth has not been to our benefit but to theirs. We were warned to not believe everything we are being offered because there would be a lot of deception in these days. Decide for yourself but it doesn't bring much comfort to me.

  6. The Most High God did show his "face" and more than that in the Bible. He walked in the Garden looking for the adam. He spoke to the adam, Genesis. The problem is not understanding who is who in scripture. Jesus is a god, an elohyim, which translates to God in English. The Most High God/Father is Yahwah Elohyim. His children are named elohyim. They are gods. Jesus is God, but not the most High God. Jesus told them you are all children of the Most High.