Paranormal and Supernatural Open line.

Paranormal and Supernatural Open line.

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In this movie we talked about near death experiences, bigfoot and much more! If you want to be part of me I Zoom ID 275 757 8850 and my …

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  1. Love your channel Jeff and Mara. Your first guest Lori may get more information about her experience reading: Many Lives Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss. Those being hypnotized were asked by Dr. Weiss to go between each lifetime. This might be similar to what Lori experienced. Blessings!

  2. Jeff, you are absolutely right that change has speeded up. Baha’is believe there was an infusion of spiritual energy into the world in nineteenth century with the coming of Prophets, the Bab and Baha’u’llah. This kick-started our spiritual evolution as well as our material development in science and technology.

  3. Good question brought to John by Jeff! The difference of ascension and enlightenment. The distinction of the spirit vs. one's consciousness. The spirit is one that ascends into… while the human consciousness that is enlightened. In an NDE, it's the spirit that ascends above the body and observes, outside of body from above. When the spirit returns to the body, it's the body/mind that is enlightened. That's my take at least. Thanks Jeff and Mara!

  4. Hope this isn't an out-of-line comment but …Your wife is absolutely Beautiful and by reading her answers and comments in the chat she sounds Beautiful inside too~! Besides being a gentle man and a great interviewer…you are very Blessed with Mara as your Partner in Life…Congrats~!

  5. FYI–The teachings of Jesus are exactly like the writings of the 'Emerald Tablets' by Thoth, almost word for word. And they were written supposedly 10s of thousands of years before Jesus was born. And another dilemma for me is what was Jesus's real name…The 'J' wasn't invented till 1452. They say it was 'Iesus' or 'Esus' in the text of the Bible. The name change did not affect regular folk because they were not given to the public until the 16th century, I believe.

  6. Thanks for having John as a guest, it is evident that his decades of study have resulted in his obvious wisdom which I distinguish from intellect which is very different. Wanted to mention that the symbolism of a door can indicate an entryway to either the other side or a higher level of consciousness: the last thing my father said in his hospital bed before he took his last breath was "open the door". In regards to a room with a door in an nde my interpretation would be is if the person went through the door they wouldn't have a "near" death experience-they would actually die. There is a huge difference between physical death and spiritual death. Regarding Mormons it is my understanding having worked with them, lived in their communities, and also having a Bishop as a supervisor and many private conversations with him is that some beliefs are reserved for those of the highest order. Regarding technology there is a yin yang principle involved where it can be helpful but can also be contributing to our downfall. I highly suggest Jeff's podcast number 546 and also buying Samuel's book which clearly explains the importance of us being here to develop our spirituality rather than focusing on technology. That is also my belief after 60 years in the field. To me Ascension is when we no longer have to return to a physical body, whether here or any other planet, unless we come back for a specific project to help or teach others, as we have evolved enough spiritually that we can join our I Am Presence on the Causal Plane.

  7. Just seeing John Scott, my favorite guest of yours was well worth the time, though limited as it was. I immediately purchased his book after his appearance talking about his mushroom adventure and also sent another to a friend. He is an amazing wealth of wisdom. Please bring him back; honestly, do a whole hour of live or a taped interviewed just asking him questions about ascension, life, afterlife. He is genius.