Dr. Mary Neal’s NDE & Joyful Lessons

Dr. Mary Neal’s NDE & Joyful Lessons

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  1. Sorry but this is nonsense, if she was born in Saudi it would Allah coming to her, she's a christian so she has christian NDE's.
    For every Christian who “speaks to God”, there is a Hindu that speaks to “Vishnu”. So, either there are multiple gods, or people just have the experience they were brought up to believe they should have.

  2. Scientifically explaining such a beautiful spiritual experience. Most of The Science Minded have the hardest time understanding spiritual experiences, because of their Ego's and what they've been taught about so-called Concrete Provable Sciences. Just the lack of perception and visibility in the electromagnetic spectrum explains how human can negate higher physics and spirituality. Prayer is Your Saving Grace, to higher worlds, and to The Great Creator that made them. The work of Catholic Priest and Exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger proves this.

  3. OMG – I’ve been so struggling with the fear and chaos on the planet with the virus and humanities reactions, and this really helps. It seems to me that most people don’t know that we are spiritual beings. I loved the message of past and future not being more important than now

  4. Her explanation of DMT being "not transformative" is completely 100% wrong! Tell that to Ayahuasaca Shamans in South America. DMT is also not "neurotoxic" at all and its actually been found in scientific studies to regrow brain cells.

  5. My daughter passed away 26/10/20, she was hit by a speeding car 22/10/20 and was in a coma for 4 days before we had to turn off her life support. All I want is for Isabelle to be happy. Of course I want her back with me, but just to know she is happy and at pease would make me feel better. Grief is so unbelievably painful, especially when losing a child. Isabelle was only 11 and I feel she had so much more to live for. ♥️ xxxxx

  6. Thank you so much for the enlightening talk…I wish I can think like you!!! What a peaceful state of mind you are in and several others went through NDE !! I was trying to learn more about life after death after my husband passed away recently (3 months back)..I prayed so much after he was diagnosed with aggressive brain tumor. During our 15 months journey me and kids cried to God to give his life back and prepare our family to work for others… I was questioning myself why God didn't hear our prayers …My husband never complained or showed any sadness even when doctors said in front of him he has only x months to live ..he had only worries about us not about himself … Since God has taken him even after all the spiritual preparation, prayers, our commitments and care I felt there is some reason and wanted to learn more…While searching I came across NDE .I never knew this many people experienced this kind of love and peace …It is helping me, but I still trying to figure out how I can come to such peace with life !!! Will continue to learn from others …

  7. I really like your original telling of your NDE, but this one also, would be good if they could be kept closer together on IANDS. I love all of the original IANDS stories as they are very authentic and original stories, it would be a sad thing to lose all the original videos by trying to repackage them, your story is amazing but the original raw telling is very powerful for people trying to understand death.

  8. I heard so many NDEs and thought why is it different for everyone? Then one day I felt maybe because that is how life is for everyone. Isn't strange that millions of people and animals in this world but we all have different experiences so maybe that is how our life afterlife would be. In this video the speaker validated my point. I am really thankful to this channel that it gives us a way to discover something no one is willing to talk about. Keep researching in this field. It really helped me find logical answers to many questions that keeps coming to my mind everyday and reduced my fear of death to some extent. Maybe we will be in safe hands after we die 🙂