Angry Atheist Becomes A Believer In God After Near Death Experience

Angry Atheist Becomes A Believer In God After Near Death Experience

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  1. Well I believe in your story and I can tell you it was not a dream it is a real story. I read some books on after life in a faith called Bahai and profit founder wrote as you said. Amazing. Thank you for sharing. ❤

  2. Why is every near death experience different some people who are atheist that the experience Jesus other people who are Christian say that there is no hell and there is no religion?

  3. If your child has gone through a lot of hardship and suffering, and your child is angry at you, you as the benevolent parent don't push your child off your porch into the dark woods. I'm not sure what the best way to handle this situation is, but with all certainty, the aforementioned is not it. And regarding the notion that the lady in this video "sent herself" to that dark place doesn't add up. The question that should be asked here is: why did "god" idle by and let her be plunged into a dark abyss? Why did she have to beg, and plead, and cry, in order to get him to acknowledge her? Any benevolent being would say: "I'm sorry for what you went through." Any benevolent being would embrace his creation not let them be pushed into darkness. Any benevolent being would give an explanation as to what's going on. But instead of all that, the being she encounters instills fear in her and then basically says: (here's something you can do for me.) If that is God, as we're taught to immediately assume without question, then I'm not impressed.

  4. Ecc 9:5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. The Bible is kinder about death.

  5. What a lovely lady. Thank you for this. I really loved and was comforted by the prayer; even though I am not Christian, I appreciate all positive spiritual practices like that one. So grateful.