Woman Encountered 3 Jewish Rabbis During Her Near Death Experience – Hila Baruch 74

Woman Encountered 3 Jewish Rabbis During Her Near Death Experience – Hila Baruch 74

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  1. It a nice story. I have heard her from other channels as well. She confirms this is a simulation as she is no sister, no daughter, etc. She is just playing this game and taking roles that is assigned to her. That is unfortunate that we have to play this earth game over and over again (as she was told she will be born to another family) It makes our love for our earth family meaningless. They are like any other soul (since we are all one). The family, etc that we love to death means nothing. Our relationship with our loved ones mean nothing. They will be just like any other soul on the other side. That is so sad …

  2. This was one of the best, if not the best podcasts, Jeff! I can listen to Hila all day, so I hope there is a Part 2 forthcoming! Hila, your English is great and your accent is beautiful to listen to! Thank you both!

  3. "The first shall be last, and the last shall be first." -Jesus, our creator. Regarding her comment at the end about those lowest in this life being revered in the next.

  4. I had a similar experience in 2006 but it’s been so long that I started to foget the brightness of my learnings and the importance of this lesson. This was great to see her and remember all of this… this helps me a lot !! I was almost starting a war of love agaist evil, instead of just speading love like she said. But no… I can talk about illusions without comdemning ignorant people or shaming some conducts. I should just live my own life, enjoy life, and show people what I can do from a place of love and inspire them to be free from illusions. Thanks a lot !! I needed that… and that’s certainly NOT a coincidence… someone wanted me to see this !! 😉

  5. Thank you so much Jeff for this video. Hila is such a genuine and beautiful Soul. The truth radiates out from her and in the words she speaks. Just a beautiful woman. I enjoyed this video very much. Please keep doing what you're doing. Peace.

  6. I resonate with everything you witnessed. I believe we are in the Garden of Eden here & now while "this world " is in the illusion of 'good & evil " (the Adam dream). I pray that I see only the reflection of God's Love and mercy & that I be so clear as a transparency that I have the mind of God which only judges everything as God appearing as all creation. Thank you so much for expressing this beautiful message ❤️