Why Do People See Ghosts? A Parapsychologist Explains | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN

Why Do People See Ghosts? A Parapsychologist Explains | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN

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  1. In the book The reality of the Paranormal, Arthur Ellison mentions how poltergeists are usually found to be manifest around a mentally distressed person, more commonly, a young child. They become the centre of the paranormal activity. I have witnessed this kind of thing. Me and my friend (both 10) were in her house and there was a crazy amount of activity targeting her, an unrelenting amount that would occur in the day and was amplified at night. The activity even followed us to my house on a sleepover. She was in a lot of mental distress at the time like family death, divorce and the stress of being between two houses and the activity only stopped after she was attending regular therapy sessions… I do also believe the only entity that isnt a unconious projection that could manipulate the physical in such a way would be demonic in nature. I am lucky that it wasnt a demon because two niece ghost hunting ten year olds might seem like a good target fro possession.

  2. Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.

  3. It's quite sad that Oprah laughed at the people in this episode (mainly the couple) and basically made fun of them because she didn't believe in ghosts. Fast forward a few years and she starts believing in them because she claims to have seen one!

    It's funny how no one believes until it happens to them lol and I say that as someone who doesn't believe in ghosts! I'd never laugh at someone who did though, because at the end of the day, I've no idea if ghosts are real or not. I've just never seen one.

  4. It’s not a hallucination. Modern society isn’t as open to spirituality, yet, claims to be very religious.

    People are too scared to accept the fact that humans have certain limitations. They need something concrete and tangible to know what exists. It’s just like fish seeing only in 2-d in a human’s 3-d world. Perhaps it’s ego that causes people to not let go and just accept the fact that there are things we can’t explain, phenomenons that exist.

  5. My brother passed away last July, this morning, my dog was in my bed and started growling frantically at the office chair next to my bed. She did this for an entire 40 minutes. I have ten minutes of video on my phone of her doing it. We are Christians and believe in angels and spirits, so I believe my brother came for a visit this morning, while my dog was going nuts, there was this strange energy going around the room. I just don’t believe that science is truly complete without God and the ways spirits manifest in our world, and I can’t fathom how hard it must be for someone to lose a loved one, and to believe that they’re gone forever to never be seen again. It’s something that really has given me a unique perspective on life over these past several months

  6. I've had visits and answers to things I wasn't thinking about or aware of until I was made aware. I lost my parents and with out any doubt they have came to visit me. Don't dwell on this but be open because anyone living long enough will become a believer.

  7. It’s not in the head some people are really gifted and can see the living and dead sometimes communicate with them too my family has experienced paranormal activity and it was mainly just people who couldn’t move on just yet or didn’t want to be forgotten

  8. If you believe in science you must to believe in paranormal and if believe 8n paranormal you must to devil and god this aspects has no boundaries to each other their connected to each other only humans create the boundaries between to these aspects because theres a theory of 4d or 4rth dimension so where in 3d 3rd dimension because we're 3d that's why 4th could exist to

  9. I don't know what he saw but I did seen a my uncle years after he was dead.. he wasn't mean or bad did nothing to harm me.. he looked as if he was still alive but he was not I don't call them ghost I call them sprints and yes they are real

  10. If that pro said um one more time. He knows nothing about spirits. And they are real no joke. People have to be open to the unseen otherwise. You wont see or feel anything. You don't have to be half asleep they come through when they feel like it