Welcome To The JeffMara Podcast

Welcome To The JeffMara Podcast

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Welcome to the JeffMara Podcast! This is a paranormal podcast and we speak about Near Death Experiences, Alien Abductions, …

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  1. Hey Jeff, I watch everyday. I love the open conversations. Love your questions AFTER they have shared their experiences. I too had NDE, but I went the other way. No one would listen or believe. So your show really comforts. GREAT JOB!

  2. Hi Jeff,
       I am Gayathri from India. I find your interview style very helpful as you allow the guests to speak at length without interrupting them and also you get to the core of their experience by asking the important and relevant questions!
      I also like to hear your reassuring and calm voice… So I enjoy listening to you hosting the interviews.

        I happened to watch the videos of Nanci Danison's NDE experience on her YouTube channel… Please watch them, especially the interview where she is dressed in red as she is one of the rare ones who went all the way to merge with the Source and also got the answers to the important questions that all of us are very desperate to know about (Meaning of Life on Earth, Our purpose here, the future of Earth etc). Her NDE experience was very different and Unique, especially coz during her Life Review, her fellow Light Beings experienced her life experiences!! She also said she recollected her past lives as different non human incarnations, even as objects like rocks!! She said she communicated with Source as well.
       Her answers to some of the questions were very clear and simple!! She was a lawyer and hence her way of communication is very crisp and clear!!
      Since she has all the answers, I really wanted you to interview her and ask her all the important questions regarding the topics I mentioned above. 
      Please try and get her onboard for an interview!! Would be very helpful!!

     One more interesting NDE'er to interview is Mary Helen Hensley. She had a Unique experience too and has some real wisdom nuggets to share, especially regarding healing of different diseases. Please get her for an interview and ask her how to resolve specific diseases and other important questions on health as she is a chiropractor after her NDE. (She has a tendency to go off on a tangent and jump to a different topic before completing the earlier one… So please ensure she covers the answers in detail without jumping to other topics)… 
      Since I am a fan of yours, thought of writing to you!! 🙂 Please do respond if possible… 

  3. you're last interview really really touched me. I LOVED HER!!!! The things she went through, with the earth quake and being in China without the rescuers…. hey story was sooooooo powerful. From the start of her story, to the way God came to her and told her to walk out, and how she won't come to an angel….. WOW. thank you sooooooo much Jeff. I'm sure you don't hear this enough, but you are inspiring and lifting people up. you're making a difference and saving people from Hell on Earth. please keep up the good work, and thank you from the bottom of my heart. thank you.

  4. Ever stop to think, someone dies has a "life review" and deals w/ everyone that they ever knew or dealt with living or dead. I've never known anyone on a personal level that had a NDE everyone I've known who died stayed dead but I often wondered in all their after life life reviews that surely being in them how I'm not aware of the experience, yet there I was and they got to experience me inside and out. Funny. Maybe it is a VR after all. Maybe Tom Campbell is on to something? After all after watching nde accounts for several years it's clear to me ndes are idiosyncratic.

  5. I had a NDE 6/30/03 & knew I was going to pass away 2weeks prior to my passing. When I transitioned to the spiritual realm I met with God & he spoke to me. God is purely love for those who do not commit evil acts against his children yet if you do, forgiveness does not exist!