8-Year-Old Girl Recounts the 1945 Empire State Building Crash (S2) | The Ghost Inside My Child | LMN

8-Year-Old Girl Recounts the 1945 Empire State Building Crash (S2) | The Ghost Inside My Child | LMN

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  1. What do you think what the worst thing that could happen, you're prefacing that something bad can happen, 1950's clothes? That's mom's interpretation and by the time they are taken to a therapist, it's all been done to the child and they actually believe specific things. This is maddening.

  2. My daughter said remember when we saw the plane crash in to the tall building?… I kept thinking her past life must be in America she kept talking about 34th street so perhaps it was the same… I always assumed 9/11 :/

  3. I believe in reincarnation because I know I have been.

    When I was around 5 to 7yrs old my family moved from the south to the north island in NZ. One day my parents were taking me to the zoo & as we were driving along past a beach that was a good two stories below the road with a high rock stone wall, I saw a house on a cliff top, jutting out, with a red roof.

    I said to my parents “that’s the house from my dream, and that’s the beach too” & I told them how scared I was as I was being chased by a crowd of people along the beach but the high walls stopped me from escaping & that I thought they had hurt or even killed me.

    I was 5 to 7 years old, it was a very real descriptive dream for me, & for me to relay it to them, & that feelings never changed. The kicker? Both my parents said I had never been there before so there was no way for me to of seen it, ever.

  4. I saw myself on a plane from New York to Europe, and then on a taxi in Spain, crying. I didn't understand, why Spain? The background was that I was Jewish and we were trying to get out of Germany. But something went wrong with the visa because I failed.
    Later, I did some research, and found that there had indeed be a civilian transatlantic flight, with Pan Am, from the spring of 1939 until the start of WW2. It landed on the Bermudas and on the Acores, just as I had seen. And it didn't get any further than Portugal, so I guess that was the reason for the taxi. I must have been in a rush, but I still was too late. And we must have had lots of money (flights were expensive!), and it still wasn't enough.

  5. There is nothing about the 1945 crash in the Empire State because the 9/11 secret, shadow-government perpetraitors do not want people thinking a skyscraper could withstand a heavy-aircraft impact (unladen B25 bomber).

  6. I was reading a short story by Shirley Jackson, and the main character is on a vacation in New York and looks at the side of the Empire State building to see if she can see where they repaired the damage from the crash. Its not a pivotal point of the story, but the mention caught my attention, because I had not heard of any crash! What crash?! So interesting