The NEAR Death VS. FEAR Death Experience

The NEAR Death VS. FEAR Death Experience

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Near-death experience podcast visitor 766 is Dr. Gregory Shushan. all through this podcast we talked about ancient NDE experiences, soul traps, the worry death experience and more. Gregory Shushan, PhD, is the top authority on near-death experiences and the afterlife across cultures and in the course of history. He is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Religious Experience Research Centre, College of Wales Trinity Saint David, and was beforehand Perrott-Warrick Researcher at College of Oxford’s Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Faith and Scholar-in Home at the Centro Incontri Umani (The Cross Cultural Centre), Ascona, Switzerland. He has lectured at universities in the British isles, Ireland, and Switzerland and has supplied various talks on his research in 9 nations around the world. He holds degrees in Religious Scientific studies (University of Wales Lampeter), Research Procedures for the Humanities, Egyptian Archaeology (University College London), and Japanese Mediterranean Archaeology (Birbeck College or university, University of London).

Dr. Sushan’s site

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  1. If you want to share your own experience be sure to come to my Saturday Night Open Zoom Live Stream where I let anyone share for up to 15 Minutes. It is every Saturday night from 7-9 PM Central time! I hope to see you there!

  2. Just from my own experiences of 2NDE and many awakenings over the last 16 years. I wish I wasn't so shy to speak because I have so much to share. Simulation theory may come up in the mind of someone who hasn't had a NDE or awakenings. Anyone who have had this NDE never never the same again in a good way. It's beautiful, powerful, and intelligent with fantastic humor. The Universe, God Source, knows you better than you think you know yourself and your experience is unique because your life experiences is unique. We development blocks in our being that only Source knows how to help you release to move to a more higher consciousness. Love and respect ❤

  3. I have heard of people coming back with psychokinesis/electrokinesis and being able to perform large scale telekinetic feats. I have even heard accounts of people coming with the ability to communicate and even attack people with telepathy.

  4. Has anyone else ever noticed how scientists, especially those who have never experienced NDEs, approach the matter through a rigid, sensory based lense? It's like taking modern electric/dance music and trying to listen to it through a 1930s tube radio. They're just not built to handle it.

  5. Oh my gosh—I keep saying, ‘that one was the best yet!’
    But now.. I feel like this interview was the best!! Fabulous guest, dialogue…Jeff and Mara, your channel is really getting better and better. It’s SO hard to find great long form, thoughtful interviews. I appreciate your work so much.

  6. Jeff, I can tell you that as a doctor there is NOTHING we can do to “save “ anyone’s life! I’ve done many a code and many a near death experience on the operating room table and as much as I materialistically did to save or prolong life, there was nothing I could do to keep the LIFE force there. It either was going to stay or leave. We are talking two different dimensions, ultimately only controlled by the SOUL. I often wonder Jeff, how many of my patients had out of body or near death experiences under my “watch “ . I guess I’ll meet them someday in another dimension, right ?

  7. Jeff, I think it would be great if you took some time off from interviewing and go thru your past interviews and records statistics of who had what experiences and why. It would be a great study to see some patterns of similarities and differences. It would take a lot of time, but in the end you could even put your findings in a book. You definitely have the material needed for such a project. ~blessings <3

  8. Jeff, you are by far my favorite interviewer, when it comes to anything related to NDEs.

    I appreciate the fact that you really allow the guest to primarily do most of the talking.

    Thank you. Please keep up the awesome work.

  9. 3:44 – cross cultural simulariries…leaving body.
    3:54 – hav very specific cultural things that aren't cross culturally comparable.
    4:05 – in western NDE studies so much of theorizing n hypothicizine. Between them there r differences.
    5:34 – the bein of light, a lit in America will say I saw Jesus.
    6:30 – cross-culturally there aren't tunnels.
    7:22 – small scale societies like native Americans n Pacific cultures mostly they walk along a rd., 2 the othr world n c footprints of many dead.
    8:26 – Western NDEs where they return 2 body n comes bak 2 life their told usually by the bein of light or they agree 2 do it. Usually 4 some positive thing of their life or 2 take care of someone like kids.
    9:00 – in some othr cultures especially in China n a few from midevil Europe peopl were sent bak 2 body because it was a case of mistaken identity. The spirit or the god or the book keeper whose assistant of the god will say we got wrong person. U need 2 go bak. That person will die n they'll come bak 2 life.
    10:10 – in the book Life After Life the author said some said there's a place that's a point of no return. If u cross it u can't come bak 2 life.
    11:03 – what's popular on Utube regarding comin bak 2 life. Very Buddhist n Hindu.
    13:02 – simulation theory, scientific literature say's it pushes it through boggle theory. Guest doesn't believe it. If the Matrix hadn't been made peopl wouldn't talk about it he say's.
    15:36 – guest is a humanities person. He did archeology which is science n humanitarian science. He did religious studies n comparison. He didn't do hard science of NDEs.
    *18:20 – Jeff say's lots of peopl like b4 they get hit by car the soul leaves the body.