She Woke Up To Find A Number 7 Carved Into Her Hand After Her Near Death Experience – Alicia 380

She Woke Up To Find A Number 7 Carved Into Her Hand After Her Near Death Experience – Alicia 380

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  1. Alicia, You are humble, and honest , how could God not love you… you describe exactly what happened… so well… we can see it and feel it, what a trial to go through… I think…. that young boy that came to you, is your guardian angel….. you should talk to him, and thank him, love him, like you love all those animals you help. I think he wants you to want to be friends with him. God bless you. You are courageous!

  2. I personally believe this was a state of mind situation telling her she was in danger & felt she trapped in it who knows maybe spirit was trying to show her & she needed the wake up call to get out of it much love to her ive been in a similar situation myself

  3. After watching this video I believe that the majority of what Alicia experienced could be ICU psychosis or a series of delusions that could be caused by either drugs given to her by the doctors, or the subconscious trauma of the incident that brought upon feelings of fear and terror or a combination of both of those things. The fact that the last thing she saw that caused her panic was the blood-stained knife, which she then unknowingly brought into her subconscious as a man who had knives for arms etc. She also thought that a snake was on her bed but it was in fact a part of the hospital equipment that was around her. I watched a video of a woman who had been bitten on her legs by a spider that almost killed her and she had hellish visions of her legs being trapped by a monster of some type. I've seen this type of thing happen many times before with NDE experiences, it's as if the subconscious mind creates a nightmare-ish type of an experience for the person as some way of dealing with it. I also remember reading about how a man had an NDE and he thought he was in hell and he could feel the heat and flames on his back and the knifes been stabbed into him by demons, turns out then when he woke up it was just a heating pad the nurses had put under him to raise his body temp and the knives that he felt were the nurses injecting him with drugs.

  4. At 49:00 She explains the purpose of life and how we are responsible for ourselves, our choices, and everything about our lives… She realizes her NDE was her fighting her own personal fears and demons.

  5. I didn't think I was going to like this one because I knew ahead of time it was going to be dark but I was pleasantly surprised. This woman has a lot of insight. I thought it was really interesting when she said peace can be found in chaos.

  6. The nde was a continuation of her real live violence , the subconscious mind works realitity just like a dream, that is why demon had the apearence of blades for arms, her mind atate continuous, that is so important have good thoughts, stay away from drama, violence, gossip we never know when we are going to cross, and bring all those feelings home.