She Went To The Angelic Realm During Her Near Death Experience

She Went To The Angelic Realm During Her Near Death Experience

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Podcast guest 195 is Sarah Snow. For the duration of her near death she went to the angelic realm. She also went to the black void and she …

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  1. I Truly LOVE this experience. I absolutely love how beautiful this existence is. I love how planned life is even though many do not see it. It used to sadden me to see so many oblivious to the beauty of this place that's behind the scenes. Their endless suffering caused by their own thoughts and emotions, their trauma coming around over and over in this neverending cycle. There's next to nothing one can do for them, besides watch. Watch the ones you love hurt themselves unknowingly. But it's okay, it's all on purpose and for the most high reasons.

    May we all see the beauty here, break those cycles we've inherited. May we all have truly unconditional love. Abundance of love and knowledge.

  2. 20:00 she's talking about Thought-Forms. These are non living creations of ours. They can be fed for so long with our energy and thoughts they then become conscious. they seek out their own energy source. Some are positive aka angels some are not positive aka demons. Benevolent create love and are attracted to it. Negative Thought-Forms seek sadness and and create it to syphon from that energy to feed their existence.

    Leadbeater's book on Thought Forms is beautiful and so insightful.

  3. To see what she says and how she says it, at a very young age, I am thinking that she has had many incarnations before this one! Her vision is so clear and her perceptions are so complete, and she is a teacher of the eternal truths….Jesus said to his diciples, after one of his miracles, you will do much greater things than this!

  4. What a beautiful beautiful soul this woman is!!! Her earthy honesty is a breath of fresh air to me and her get away from the busy world is something I’d like to do but don’t have the guts to do. Just listening to her tells me she’s lived many many many lives!! I really enjoyed this one!!