She Dies, Meets God And Deceased Souls. What God Told Her Will Amaze You.

She Dies, Meets God And Deceased Souls. What God Told Her Will Amaze You.

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Welcome to Unusual Stories wherever we share individual accounts of near death experiences, out of body experiences, and other …

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  1. Might I suggest you change the way you pronounce one word ? you mentioned that you had a stabbing pain that's the correct way to say it. but when you stabilize someone you don't say it like stabbing someone ,you stabilize you don't stab allies

  2. Amazing Story, But fighting for God, I hope she meant she would fight with Love & Compassion! Amazing how God ask her if she had experienced this kind of LOVE before! And I couldn’t believe she was behaving like she knew absolutely nothing about God, the sad part of the story! It is our responsibility to learn about God! ❣️

  3. it was such a big trial that she went through with all of the pains and injury, yet still trying to convince God, that’s incredible! I pray that she will recover well from the injury and live a happy life where she can serve God better, in Jesus Name, Amen!