Sees Future, Multidimensional Parallel Lives, Pre Birth Plans, and Purpose in NDE

Sees Future, Multidimensional Parallel Lives, Pre Birth Plans, and Purpose in NDE

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IANDS is a membership nonprofit 501(c)(3) firm with a mission to advance world-wide understanding of NDEs and linked experiences by way of research, education and learning, and aid. We visualize a future in which all individuals embrace near-death and related experiences as a resource of indicating and inspiration for a superior earth. We consider NDEs can remodel an individual’s lifestyle, influence the sciences, and embolden modern society. Now, IANDS engages in considerably much more than research and has customers from all over the environment. We invite you to take into consideration turning into a member of IANDS. To master much more about near-death experiences, take a look at

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What is an NDE?
A near-death experience (NDE) is ordinarily a profound, lifetime altering, intensely emotional experience that typically happens in the course of a clinical crisis and has widespread traits and aftereffects. It is not a dream, hallucination, or mental illness (Greyson, 1983). There are no predictive variables to recognize who will have an NDE. They occur to folks of all ages, religions, socio-financial teams, cultures, academic backgrounds, and belief devices. They come about under a wide range of instances these as incidents, in close proximity to-drownings, ailments, beat, surgical methods, and childbirth. Following an NDE, experiencers (NDErs) usually display screen some common aftereffects. Research has established a set of prevalent NDE properties and extended-time period aftereffects. Theories applied to describe near-death experiences in purely bodily terms have been verified insufficient by NDE researchers and others.

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  1. From listening to literally thousands of NDE’s, if concluded that when all of the little individual lives (small selves) come together in the afterlife, that is what is known as the higher self, or the you that has fully ascended.

  2. Hi Angela. Its 11/11 here now in Australia. I have had a NDE. Today i am 'struggling'. Depression has set in as my mind focus's on crap that happened today. Then i came across this video in the fabulous facebook group Near Death Experiences. I am hurting so bad. My heart is broken. I have to REMEMBER why we are all here.

  3. I just watched your interview with Jeff and decided to listen to more. I just want to thank you for your emotion and intention is such a beautiful thing❤ I try to renew my enthusiasm for spirit every day and today my cup runneth over❤

  4. Sorry, but I also think the idea of a "soul 'playing' my father," or sny parent and loved one is horrible and diminishing.

    I believe there ideas here that have to be questioned as much as anything in religion.

    Some relationships and forms of love actually seem to be reduced, devalued in this. Hard to believe.

  5. Occasionally IANDS shows things that are too bizarre and strange to believe. I believe there's more than material existence, but i believe that the other existence can be very rational too. The prebirth idea is too unlikely. I also believe the loved ones we came into this life are the ones we get, and the ones that I, at least, want, usually. Reincarnation is pointless and not so benevolent.

    Some of the people on these videos, in comments too, seem to be of the unquestioning ridiculous variety. I want to believe in higher and better existence; I have some reasons to believe in more, but i like the idea of reason, rationality, and realism too. Can both coexist?

    I also have a problem with "one consciousness" I truly don't understand that; I'm obviously my own person. I can understand sharing a consciousness but I have my own mind. I can't wrap it around that part ever…

  6. “Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one Consciousness experiencing Itself subjectively, there’s no such thing as death life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves……’s Tom with the weather”

  7. Thank you for this amazing testimony. What did your female handler guide tell you? Also, does it make sense to you that we forget who we really are because if we knew how amazing our real home is, some of us might not want to live here. Also we may make different choices, maybe even selfish choices here on Earth because ultimately we know we end up in the same place.