Paranormal and Supernatural Open line.

Paranormal and Supernatural Open line.

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  1. Jeff, I've just tried to watch what sounds like an Amazing NDE on Destiny Image but the sound was really bad, she was doing it from her home and i had to strain to catch everything and english isnt her first language, the lady in question is Karina Ferringno Martinez it's sounds ( from the comments ) like it would be Extremely interesting, I decided to wait and see if you could have her on..? I much prefer the set up you use,

  2. Talking about angels, have you heard of Lorna Byrne? She has had communication with angels all her life. She is from Ireland and has written several books but the most popular is “Angels in my Hair”. I think she would make a wonderful guest.

  3. Just listened to Light House and I agree with you Jeff, he needs to write it down so it's not so confusing. Just a thought Light House, If Heavenly Father chooses you or wants to communicate with you, he doesn't need to use scary reptilians or other dodgy apparitions. Just saying.

  4. Tanya with the “orbs” background is a good example of familial ancestral demon activity through the maternal line which is so common (and it’s what I had)! Her description of the sounds she heard on the walls and was it the ceiling (?) remind me starkly of the thump I heard on my bedroom ceiling the night I told my demon-possessed neighbor guy the gospel. Apparently he left his demon in my mobile home! The following night as I laid in bed I suddenly woke up because I thought I heard panting and could smell a foul odor. I got up and rebrushed my teeth thinking it was me! I went back to sleep but was awakened again to feel a heavy weight on my chest and the sound of panting into my face along with the odor and spittle hitting my face! I imagine something like the dog demon from Ghostbusters 3! I put the blanket over my face and prayed til it left and when my army son came home the next morning we both prayed for Jesus’ protection from demonic spirits and it never happened again.