RA's The Law Of One, ETs & MORE with Aaron Abke

RA's The Law Of One, ETs & MORE with Aaron Abke

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Podcast visitor 837 is Aaron Abke Fellow YouTube content material creator and paradigm-shifting spiritual instructor that delivers a clean, …

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  1. Really great that Jeff gets a Ra-channel student on, thanks so much to both. I've been a student of Ra and Q'uo for nearly 20 years, after reaching one of the lowest points in my life and discovering Ra late one night on the computer. It was an online site in the mid-2000s, featuring an artificial reader, such as used for the blind, sounding rather robotic, but left me stunned and jaw on the floor – a true revelation that changed my life outlook profoundly and forever. I haven't found this particular site for years, no doubt moribund now. (The absence of any trace of sentiment in the artificial voice was curiously appropriate for ET expression.) But the life shift it initiated in me was at least as profound as having children and has never stopped. It has informed my rearing of my children, and everything else in my life since. (This despite my thinking I was already on a spiritual path, studying NDEs since Moody's book came out in the 70s.) I hope very much to meet them at some point in my afterlife and thank them for their service. Perhaps it's a generational thing, but I would really strongly encourage the audience to go to the source and look up these lectures on the L/L Research website, rather than rely on later interpreters. Yes, it does take more time and effort, but more deeply meaningful for that. All channellings are available for free. Ra and Q'uo constantly state that people have to find their own information that resonates with them and make their own interpretations and conclusions accordingly. At some points in this session with Jeff I felt a bit of dissonance with the way Aaron interpreted the information, from what I got from them years ago. I also found some biases towards individuals and organisations and movements that have nothing to do with Ra's channellings. We all have our own filters and biases as humans, from where and when we live, what we read and hear, I'm sure I have my own, but that underscores how important it is to go back to the source, don't rely on later interpreters. This is how the Bible got so infected over the millenia (apart from the Orion influence), and other ancient spiritually-inspired sources. One thing I learnt from them, no human can truly decide who is truly positive or negative, appearances on this plane can be very deceptive. This also comes out in the NDE and regression information – some who we might see as negative while in incarnation may actually be performing a highly positive service in a deeper sense. It will not do to name names and say they are obviously negative, we cannot possibly see the full story from here. I found that aspect disappointing.

    The other guiding light I found at a similar time was another Aaron, an entity channelled by Barbara Brodsky, a friend of Carla's. This Aaron collaborated with Q'uo to produce another book, also available on the L/L Research website, the Aaron-Q'uo Dialogues. (Her website is deepspring.org, rich with information.) This presents a Buddhist-influenced perspective, yet so much more than that. Shows how the deep spiritual sources come from many directions, not just the Christian, from well beyond our human incarnational experience. Such treasure!

  2. What a shame that Aaron's American indoctrinated mindset came through when he starts talking about totalitarian, tyrannical autocracies as communist. Mainland China has never achieved communism and North Korea never tried. Parts of Russia may have achieved some kind of socialism for a very short time. True communism and more to the point socialist democracy and bartering systems are what we would be able to achieve if there was more concern for our fellow humans and animals and less greed and impractical, malevolent ownership for the sake of having more than anyone else. We are listening to these people tell us how to get into heaven. The only answer that is unchanging and that makes any sense is – Service to others. That reminds me, thankyou Jeff for this service you provide. Let's see you get into the millions.

  3. Im so glad Jeff was able to have Aaron as a guest. Aaron was able to articulate so many concepts in a language I understand, which tends to be more analytical. Aarons "Law of One" playlist is amazing.

  4. Great content overall. But his view on Freemasonry is 110% inaccurate. It’s the esoteric spiritual teaching that needed to go underground during the inquisition. No blood drinking. Totally focused on GOD, LOVE, and LIGHT (not satanic and not simply a “spiritual” club).