Paranormal and Supernatural Open line 11-26-2022

Paranormal and Supernatural Open line 11-26-2022

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  1. A guest mentions she sees loved ones as a Hologram that's what I saw the spirit of my mum 2 times and I strongly believe if we get the meditations right by concentrating on love emotion and practicing it often then its the gateway to connecting to our loved ones on the other side. I read there are some Aliens who have direct connection capabilities with GOD, Its finding out which Aliens have that gift, Probably the ones billions of yrs far advanced to us. I believe we were meant to be able to connect directly to GOD naturally however there were deliberate interferences within the human bodies GENO from other advanced beings as we were evolving a long time ago

  2. Someone in the comments asked how I cured my mercury poisoning. The practice I use is to often eat cilantro, protein, and fiber. The cilantro breaks the mercury free, the protein gives it something to bind to, the fiber gets it out of your body before you absorb too much back. It’s a good practice for everyone because heavy metal pollution is epidemic. And I got my fillings replaced with composites (glass and acrylic), but a word of caution – hold your breath while the drill is spinning, because the vapor will do serious memory damage.

  3. Jeff I read from Silva Brown, that her sprit guide Francine, said that our sprits,leave our bodies at least 3or 4 times a week steps out to stretch out you may say, and we may become aware that we are obe, I seem to understand that theory and have woke when I was chilling in the black void, Peaceful and in the now