I Died And Went To A Dimension Where Time Doesn't Exist | near death research | nde labs , ytstudio

I Died And Went To A Dimension Where Time Doesn't Exist | near death research | nde labs , ytstudio

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  1. I'm sorry but i'm becoming tired of this channel. Here's why. The stories submitted here, especially more recently, are so embellished with rich prose, elaborately worded scene setting and , fluid, descriptive and polished narrative throughout that it all sounds like 'creative' fiction. These are not real accounts as described by someone who has experienced what NDE'ers experience, not a chance. These are self book promotions at best, or at worst, out right fiction by submitters for some basic attention and testing the waters for creative writing. Many other channels narrate from, and interview genuine experiencers all of whom present clearly what it is like to go through such a confusing yet profound experience. , but not here on this channel, nope.. i'm not impressed. Please be more thorough in selecting which 'stories' to accept, the extra views are only temporary revenue, but…losing listeners/viewers is permanent.

  2. The transition between Life and Death (not that any of us are ever born; neither do any of us ever die) is happening all the time, over and over again and again, until such time the indefinite continuing process of existence as we understand it, and have measured it in hours and minutes either past midnight or noon, day after day after night after day, appears a thing no more.

    Yet, come the hour of changeover nothing should feel so real as non-reality, does it remain a point of perception; of our ability to distinguish it at times all but too fleetingly the form once fixed now formless.

    Although the sense of everything within Life as we live and know it varies, the essence of without does not, Love's lot the gift given whole, the holiest gift of all and Death no departure from it.

    And this duality we are all experiencing within our existence and at the exact same time, is something of a parallel. It is all part of the one never-ending vibration which beyond our localised awareness is referred to as universal consciousness.Thus, neither does consciousness have a beginning nor an end, it merely assumes the activities of either a finite mechanism for thinking or it simply does not think at all, because it does not need to submit to the authority of knowing itself as we are wont to do, an ever- evolving concept within it.

    That nothing in Life matters so much as Love, and that Love is in form of no material thing we can physically touch and yet, we feel it more profoundly than any other state to be so completely informed by it, neither does the stuff of dreams nor dream-makers die that the dreamer is no more, they have simply relocated.