Paranormal and Supernatural Open line.09-24-2022

Paranormal and Supernatural Open line.09-24-2022

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  1. If you go onto safari,type in “ Paranormal Witness The Rain Man “ it’s the one that says Ghost in the garden S01- eO6 .it’s 42: 57 seconds long .
    It was also on unsolved mysteries. If you watch this entire video,you will if you didn’t before,believe there’s something else going on here. This is the original with same police officers, tenants, guards , sheriff, and the wardens . This is the only video that I’ve seen that’s been recorded and it happened to D Decker ,after his abusive grandfather died . What’s going on here is unbelievable,because it’s actually defying the laws of physics . Best true story with original people ever. / except for Don ,everyone in video was there.

  2. At around 53:15 when Sam says "some people reckon we have guardians that come and go as we need them", there is a shadow in the wall at the back (left side of Sam). Not sure if it was someone walking around in the house or a shadow of someone walking outside… or 'something else'. Great show as always Jeff 🙂

  3. Jack has a such lovely voice, clear, and strong, which holds your attention when he talks. He should do voice-overs or radio work. Interesting concept about the spectrum, with different energy or vibrations, definitely makes sense.

  4. @Stephen Kaake – I think you should definitely go on Discord – I'm not on there yet, but would love to connect there and hear what you have to say. I think you can help a lot of people and it would help you too.

  5. On the guy that was speaking around the 1:50:00 mark, about the collective, the metaphor I have always used to think of it, is that we all are like brain cells, inside of the big God-brain. Each cell thinks it's doing it's own thing, but the larger brain is aware of the whole body and many layers in between, like hierarchies of consciousness… Just a metaphor to keep it very simple in order to explain it in a nutshell to others…