NDEr Shows How To Have A Life Review Without Having a Near-Death Experience

NDEr Shows How To Have A Life Review Without Having a Near-Death Experience

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Podcast Visitor 502 visitor is Mary Deioma who experienced a Near Death Experience at age 5 and forgot all about it. All through her lifetime she …

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  1. Mary I admire you so much for beeing abel to have an experience like that. I believe it to be the utmost afirmation of you beeing on the right way throuout your whole life. How adorable!!!

  2. Recapitulation is a warriors act of power. We choose memories that that have the touch of the impersonal. Choose significant events. This is an act of war. We choose to recapitulate our lives because the eagle seeks our life experiences and we offer that up that maybe enough so that we do not become the eagles food. give that up as to maintain our individuality and transition to the enteric form. Inorganic form.recapitulation is something that is ongoing and it takes a long time. There is a breathing technique is used while we recall an event.the goal is to relive the event in 3rd attention indifferently. Carlos Castaneda

  3. I have dreamt of future people place and things, I get dreams of future since childhood, I remember my first time I was aware, I was maybe 8 or 9 yrs old, and went to a place and I knew I had been there before, because the night before I dreamt about it, so I tested the if the same place by looking for a certain object I saw in my dream and it was there, so it validated I had dreamt about it, there has been many dreams that have come true or dream of experiences that happens in future.

  4. The NDE experiencers and their stories have always fascinated me. Upon first learning
    of the life-review, I could only think on how much sense it made that we would undergo
    such a comprehensive process once a life is completed. Now, a couple years back I kept
    getting thoughts relevant to the notion of doing a life review BEFORE death (transition).
    These thoughts began to surface (again) most recently. Now I find this young lady through
    Jeff's (life) work and I have to express my deep gratitude to not only Jeff and Mary but as well
    to this wonderful, intelligent, caring Universe and all of the wonders it offers.

    This information (Mary's process) is extremely valuable to those who truly want to be proactive
    in their spiritual growth. To eventually discover more of our own true inner wonder and the gifts
    of this Garden Universe …. I don't think God would have it any other way. Thank you Marry and of
    course, Jeff.

  5. Every month I host a local Afterlife MeetUp gathering. And just yesterday I joked that lately, this past year or so (at age 73), I have been having a sort of Life Review. So maybe when I finally make my Transition, my life review will be easier and less stressful somehow. I really enjoyed hearing Mary Deioma's experiences!

  6. This is so interesting , ever since I started meditating I started remembering things from my life that seem so random. Memories that I haven’t thought about since I’ve actually experienced them. I used to think it was just my brain trying to keep itself busy but now I’m starting to wonder if I’m having a life review in my meditation, very fascinating!

  7. Absolutely stunning guest!!! Mary shows us what conscious, awake living looks like. What a generous thing she's done in creating the books, so that we, too, can embark on the journey back home.

  8. The reason NDE stories have picked up in interest is due to possibility of an existence after death. I've personally watched hundreds of these NDE videos. At first I believed, but after so many video watched I now believe there's something going on inside the brain or even the heart during death experiences. We just don't have the tech yet to see what's going on.