Maria Experienced a Lifetime During Her Near Death Experience And Saw The Christ Consciousness

Maria Experienced a Lifetime During Her Near Death Experience And Saw The Christ Consciousness

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  1. 2:05 – she was dead maybe 5-8 min.
    10:26 – religious in content, religion, spirituality, science n physics.
    13:20 – we all startd from a pinpt., that 1 individual pinpt., n we exploded 360 degrees. Not only peopl, othr things.
    15:23 – othr species in the universe understand this. Souls have decided 2 reincarnate into peopl.
    20:28 – if someone caused harm 2 anothr they'll reincarnate 2 work it out.
    22:30 – had apaderal, was givn anesthesia during pregnancy. Was givn a spinal block. Her heart stopped, stopped breathing, unconscious. She saw them getting crash cart, she wasn't breathing. She hovered above herself. She was in whiteness. She saw the mother, then Jesus, then into anothr area 2 do a life review.
    26:38 – she workd with her council. Evry soul makes decision 2c if they want 2 liv in their NDE.
    28:31 – was taken 2 a greater rm., she could b taken 2 moments in her life n freeze it 2 look at it.
    30:51 – she was shown at moment she was in womb she was making decision if she wanted of 2b born.
    34:32 – @ birth her son had 2b resuscitated. She passed out n had an NDE n she heard tiny cry from dead baby son.
    39:32 – we all hav a greater part of our soul over there n a portion of us incarnate here, everyone.
    53:16 – there u hav gen. idea of where u want 2 go.

  2. I am so happy Sacred Mother Mary was talked about …especially how much she's connected to Jesus and the Source/God. All my life growing up I've read of her apparitions…mostly asking us to love one another and at one time "to pray for the conversion of Russia"…any old timers remember that one ? So reassuring to hear her speak of the bible and telling us the 'truth' about how it is.

  3. I’m glad you give an introduction because as soon as I heard you say she had multiple near death experiences I quickly stopped the video and moved on. You really have a lot of strange individuals on your channel

  4. What is the relation of God to man?

    When we consider ourselves as physical beings, then God mis The Master and The Father and we are His Servants, perfect instruments, or children.

    When we look upon ourselves as embodied souls, then God is the Universal Soul and we are its emanations. Like fire and its sparks, God and man possess the same attributes and qualities.

    When we think of ourselves as Spirit, then we are identical with God, the one and the same Spirit, birthless, deathless, causeless and Infinite.

    Aum Namaha Babaji Uttaraka (I bow to Babaji, The Deliverer from Rebirth)

    – An excerpt from The Voice of Babaji.

    Pd: Gandhi wasn't at all an enlightened Master. He indeed intended to straighten out his life well past his 40s, and did an praiseworthy good that is well known by everybody. Nevertheless he had begot too much karma in his dharma before doing good since that age. Read his true independent biographies not the fawning ones.

  5. That's because when you get an epidural in your back to numb it epidural contains fentanyl and that's probably what killed you it's killing people left and right and that's what they use when you have a baby I don't know if you know that but what a wonderful story you have

  6. An nde/ste doesn't have to be clinical death scenario. I had an nde/ste experience in 2015 where I was suddenly feeling tremendoud pain in my heart center, like a knot of fear…a friend was with me and was sitting across from me outside in a restaurant. He said I passed out and leaned to the right, and for me, I was in that knot of pain and terrified, and an inner voice said, 'let go' and I was able to then surrender and went into that velvety silent peaceful in between realm of and was 'out' for a few minutes. When I returned to this reality I was disoriented and was immersed in 'oneness' and non-separation. Its as if I brought 'heaven' back with me…brilliant colours, magnified bird song and river sound…joy, a sense of no separation. My friend said I was glowing and emanated 'shakti energy'. This lasted 48 hours as an experience of life flowing through me and no worries or fears. When it left I went into a deep depression for 4 years, not knowing what had happened and why it stopped. Now I know more about what this was, and I make choices in alignment with the flow of life. Much as Maria describes. My purpose is to just BE and let my light shine, and I live a secluded life. The process of divorce and losses (same as Maria's) followed the nde. It was difficult but now its about helping others with my psychic readings and helping them live a more peaceful life using their astrological chart as guidance. Life is growth everyday. Its about releasing in one's own pace, the filters that hold us back. then life opens up in amazing ways in a constant flow of synchronicites.