I've Died Multiple Times And We Are Never Alone!

I've Died Multiple Times And We Are Never Alone!

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I have found the other side many times. We are hardly ever by yourself. Though these experiences are often known as near death experiences, but the title does not give it credit history. Sometime we will all be there, and I want all people to know that they have almost nothing to concern.

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  1. I count 9 times I died. All due to a crash and complications after. Haha 9 lives. Each time I experienced different but yet same very real experiences afterwards. (Let alone during the 90 seconds clinical death from an embolism with the “out of body experience” feels like it but isn’t to me but feels like it) so I agree with this analogy that I relate to. Haha if I was to tell anyone some things they’d laugh or lock me up lol but … I know the truth.
    My takeaway , the feeling is greater than what the brains perceives to see. It’s like the brain tell you fight back and open your eyes and see but the feeling? The feeling is out of this world. First it makes you want to stay because that peace … it’s indescribable. You feel like really feel a reality with no words necessary. Enh longg story.