IANDS Conference Testimonial – Chris Jordan

IANDS Conference Testimonial – Chris Jordan

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IANDS is a membership nonprofit 501(c)(3) group with a mission to advance world-wide being familiar with of NDEs and similar experiences by research, education and learning, and help. We envision a potential in which all people embrace near-death and similar experiences as a source of meaning and inspiration for a better planet. We feel NDEs can change an individual’s daily life, impact the sciences, and embolden culture. Currently, IANDS engages in considerably more than research and has associates from close to the earth. We invite you to contemplate turning into a member of IANDS. To discover extra about near-death experiences, go to iands.org.

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What is an NDE?
A near-death experience (NDE) is normally a profound, life modifying, intensely psychological experience that typically happens for the duration of a clinical disaster and has widespread traits and aftereffects. It is not a desire, hallucination, or mental disease (Greyson, 1983). There are no predictive variables to recognize who will have an NDE. They take place to people of all ages, religions, socio-economic teams, cultures, educational backgrounds, and perception devices. They manifest below a variety of situations these kinds of as accidents, close to-drownings, illnesses, combat, surgical methods, and childbirth. Adhering to an NDE, experiencers (NDErs) generally screen some popular aftereffects. Research has set up a set of typical NDE attributes and long-term aftereffects. Theories utilized to describe near-death experiences in purely physical conditions have been verified insufficient by NDE researchers and other individuals.

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  1. I had an NDE about 8 years ago. I was not having any health problems other than catching a bad flu bug 3 months prior. I was working long hours and commuting 1 hour each way. I was lucky my brother and I shared a house and he was a chef. So dinner was always ready for me a very nice bonus. I also had my soul dog and my soul kitties at home so coming home really was exciting I missed my babies so getting home I wanted that. It was a winter day in Dec . It was cold outside but no snow. I remember not being 100 percent. I was ok but I felt really drained. So when I got home I felt cold. I grabbed a throw . Made a cup of tea and said hello to all my furbabies and sat down to watch tv. My brother was in the kitchen making something. It sure smelled good but I wasn't in the mood for food. So I was watching a show . All of a sudden. The temperature went up and it started to boil in my house. I was like what is going on. All of a sudden I screamed out turn heat down. My brother said it was cold in the house. I thought crap I'm getting sick. I folded up throw. Then I took my shirt off. I got hotter and hotter. To the point I felt like I was going to throw up. I got up and started running to bathroom . I stopped in my hallway. I laid down in my cold cold tile floor. Oh it felt good but all of a sudden I wasn't breathing. This didn't bother me. I felt this incredible cold. It felt so refreshing. Then I saw static. It was like I was watching tv and when a channel goes out it's all black and white snow. That's exactly what I was seeing. I was living in it. I felt at peace but something was pulling me back. Oh my god I jolted in my body. I was in pain and was freezing. I tried to get up I couldn't. I had released my Blatter and my bowels just emptied out. Omg I have soiled myself. I had to get up the smell was aweful . I finally got up. I screamed at my brother why didn't you help me? I'm laying there dead . I was curious. I yelled at him and said phone 911. I have to get cleaned up. I grabbed clean clothes and had a quick bath . I was in so much pain I couldn't rate the level it was just excruciating all over my body. I gave a smashed up neck and back and I'm on meds daily for that. This pain felt like my entire body including veins , eyes even my hair hurt. What was going on. As I lay in bath I thought god I died I didn't see Jesus or god. No relatives no beautiful flowers or landscapes. I just felt like I was living in the tv static white and black snow and it was hot. I got out of bath. My brother didn't call 911. I was curious. I just put my PJs on and went to bed. I thought ok you want to be an ass and ignore what happened to me and didn't listen to me asking for one phone call to save my life. I went to bed shut the door and locked it . All of a sudden I felt at peace. I was in my bed and it was like heaven. I fell asleep. Or tried to but my brother was pounding on my door about dinner. I thought forget it. I don't want it. I knew this would piss him off but hey I'm pissed off due to ignoring me and what happened. I went to sleep. I woke up at 630 am I opened my eyes and that hurt omg I felt ever single millimeter of my body hurt. I tried to get out of bed. It hurt. I thought what is going on . I put on my slippers and bathrobe it took me quite sometime just to do that. I opened my door and the whole house smelled like shit. I thought omg that wasn't a dream. I yelled at my brother I said phone 911 I'm not doing good. I collapsed again I don't remember anything from this event. I was laying there on a cold floor and just blackness. I didn't hear people, my cats and dogs weren't asking for attention. I just laid there. Darker than dark sleep. I lay there in nothingness . All of a sudden faint voices were asking my name and questions. All of a sudden I felt ice cold liquid going though my veins it was like omg I'm not human. I have a cold substance as blood. This woke me up because all of a sudden the pain went 10 times worse. I was screaming at this man beside me putting in an IV . I screamed at him what are you doing to me. They held me down.it felt like forever. Anyhow the coldness faded and they rolled me in an ambulance. I was taken to the hospital. They did a bunch of tests. The doctor came in. I opened my eyes and asked him what's going on . He explained to me that I had 0 blood pressure. He said had this happened before. I said yes that past night. I told him what happened. He said well you have died twice in one night you are lucky to be alive. We have to get your blood pressure stabilized and do more testing to make sure your ok then I can release you. I was there just the day. They gave me meds and I went home. I feel robbed that I didn't get a brilliant experience. But I enjoy listening and watching others. Now this isn't the first time that I died. I was 4 years old and at Disneyland in California. My mom, my brother, my Nana was there. My brother decided he was going swimming. My mom said wait we will all go down to the pool I don't remember much if that. I just know I didn't know how to swim so when I walked over to pool stairs I sat at top. My feel dangling in the water. I got cold so I went down one more stair. It helped a little. Then I thought I could go to next step which the water hit my waist. It felt warmer. I felt really cold on my upper body so I went down one more stair. Then I slipped. Well that was the end. I only remember trying to get back to the stairs. It was to difficult. All I can see is the bottom of pool and when I look up it's a tunnel a whirlpool tunnel I reached up I saw a figure far away I tried to get to it. It was impossible . All of a sudden I felt arms grab me from behind and carried me out of the water. I wasn't awake. The pool lifeguard was giving me mouth to mouth. I don't remember any of that. I woke up in the hotel room and there were alot of people in the room I only recognized maybe one but I felt not from my family. I closed my eyes and slept some nore. When I woke up my mom was beside me crying. My Nana well she was watching tv and I didn't know where my brother went . My mom said to me please don't ever leave me like that. She knew I had died. I knew I had died.but it wasn't a bad thing at least from my child perspective. The next day we went to Disneyland and my mom was spoiling me. She never let go of my hand. The love for me was like a blanket we really had a great time there. We drove home the next day. My Nana and I in the back seat. My brother and my mom in front. My Nana grabbed a blanket and tucked my in to go to sleep. So I finally slept. I know I had a near death experience when I drowned. But the adult one I can't explain. The heat and then all the static I couldn't understand what that was. Has anyone else experienced this type. I'm kind of curious.