She Saw Her Grandmother and Dog During Her Near Death Experience – Dr. Nicole Gruel 454

She Saw Her Grandmother and Dog During Her Near Death Experience – Dr. Nicole Gruel 454

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  1. Love her positive energy. Have to say that for me the more I overcome my ego the happier I am. And the idea of bringing Spirit to the world of form doesn’t compute in my mind. This world of form is a world of dualism. Heaven is total nondualism. We cannot bring Spirit and form together any more than we can bring darkness and light together. Where light enters darkness disappears. When we return to Spirit, form will vanish.

  2. Well, she says on her website: we’re here to have fun!
    Really? That’s very irresponsible to say when a child dies every three seconds on this planet, from starvation or disease!!
    We should tell them they should have fun!!
    Look at the war in Ukraine!! Do they have fun?
    This lady, with a very authoritative title of a Dr!!! makes us all feel like we’re all some kind of losers, not knowing we should be having fun!!
    But instead, we chose to watch people die in Ukraine, before being raped and tortured!!!
    This kind of statement, coming from some kind of doctor is irritating and trivialising the whole purpose of us being on this planet!
    We are here to help each other, to spread love and profits amongst these who don’t have much, instead of amassing fortunes!
    God gave us an intelligent brain and power to make money but the decision how to use it, has been left to us.
    This has nothing to do with her amazing experience, but I can’t watch it anymore.
    I just wanted to check if she’s a medical doctor as this might put a deeper light on her NDE, and I found out she’s not an MD, ( Sofia University and CIIS)

  3. Another really interesting conversation Jeff.. Great questions… The doctor has such a joyous personality…and talked a lot of common sense… As well as teaching us spiritual guidance. Loved her positive message… "Be you because it's beautiful and glorious! " thx!

  4. Her story reminded me of my own journey with my aunt who passed away when I was only 10 years old.

    Her transformation ignited a transformation inside of me causing a ripple effect in which resonates the bond we share transcending space and time.

    -Carina Nicolosi

  5. When she mentioned the clouds getting dark at the beginning I strongly believe that was the enemy knowing planning and thinking he was going to take her life as when Jesus was crucified the sky became very dark but God won