Her Father Gave Her 2 Choices During Her Near Death Experience!

Her Father Gave Her 2 Choices During Her Near Death Experience!

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Podcast visitor 206 is Britany Dorman. In July of last yr she experienced a near death experience. Throughout her NDE experience she …

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  1. I feel very strongly that your future work should be in the field of drug and alcohol addiction as I believe most of those counselors have had to go through those experiences themselves, whereas you've had an nde you can add an extra something to those that are struggling like you did- please check that out.

  2. Having been in the field of metaphysics for over a half a century I just want to make a suggestion: not to leave yourself wide open to any passing Spirit- you do not know if they have good intentions or if they are earthbounds. I can direct you to James Van praagh School of mystical arts as he gives various online courses and has been in the field for decades and has many books out and is very reliable but please, especially since you were formally addicted, do not leave yourself open to just any passing spirit, it may not be safe, boundaries must always be set with Spirit even if you have been trained, there's a time and place for everything but because you have these tendencies now please do follow up on getting some training in that area.

  3. One year is INCREDIBLE!!! If she can do it, it should be an inspiration to everyone. Look where she came from and what she is surrounded with. What a delightful young lady filled with so much light I can feel her energy from across the miles ❤️

  4. Ok , this was nice to see, someone that had this NDE, and isn't trying to make money off of it, a lot of people, that (say) they've had an NDE, they have written books on it, which once I hear that I'm a little confused, you have this experience , supposedly to let others know, what may happen when we die, I think writing a book and promoting it you know and telling your story but not all of it cuz it's in the book ,you know for people to spend money it's a little odd for me I don't understand that, this girl seems like she doesn't have whatever she wants, and she didn't write a book to let others know, girl I hope you find your way, you have a higher power on your side, good luck

  5. As I was listening to your testimony and how you were saying what is your purpose, I had a thought that you are to become a counselor and help others with addiction. You are to turn your life around 180 degrees in every aspect of your life, health and church and you will be a public speaker. Great things are coming! Keep going everyday/start getting involved in your community keep going in your health journey and spiritual growth in Jesus! It also sounds you have a gift of clairvoyance/see how you can use this in the spiritual realm of what is Godly not any other way.

  6. Britany, I can feel your pain when you express not knowing what your meaning is, or wondering why you are back and what "bigger" thing you "should" be doing – that you are missing something from the nde. Honestly, the love and care you bring in every conversation – in all your relationships IS meaningful. I hear Jeff trying to drill down on this issue with you too…and I thought he had some good suggestions.

  7. Such an impressive soul, very well spoken and sincere without the ego. I think her purpose is what she has been living through, working with recovering female addicts, bless her and bless her family, I hope we hear nothing but great things about her in the future.

  8. Britany you may want to reach out to Tricia Barker here on YouTube. She may be able to help you develop your abilities or know someone who can network with you. I think you should start up your own channel eventually. I believe you will help a lot of people. Thanks for sharing your story.

  9. I really enjoyed this interview for so many reasons. Britney is lovely. She radiates joy and wonder. You can tell her experience has changed her. I am so pleased she is on a better and healthier path. I sincerely hope her story inspires others.

  10. Sister of nine lives. I my stuff had vmore the nine lives over 15 plus. God has protected me from a lot same as you
    Call out to Jesus to help you and he loves all. He love the sinner but hates the sinner. So don’t worry about others. I have seen sprites and feeling of them. Your not alone

  11. I have overdosed 2 times in my life, I had to be Narcand 7 times one time, and 5 times another.. no NDE though. Great story I truly believe there is life beyond this, and Jesus is real.

  12. Her light can only get brighter now. In her town and beyond, she has the power to lead so many out of the dark. Possibly save lives! I am so proud of Brittney. Her story was clear, humbly delivered and very credible! Excellent interview Jeff.

  13. She’s absolutely correct, and ones you have the knowing church may just confirm her, religion is of man not of God, if your have any questions just be still, ignore all thoughts and let God bring you to him and it will be AMAZING!, listen to his voiceless voice and trust in him, he’ll give you everything you need, maybe not what you want but what you need, and he will show you the way, Blessings and I wish her well

  14. I love the way all your guests come from such different backgrounds Jeff.. But with such similar experiences… And always the message that love is all that matters.. Loving others but also ourselves… Difficult but worth a try! Thanks

  15. Jeff, I notice how whenever an interviewee mentions something s/he finds troubling, you never fail to catch it and offer a comforting perspective. For instance, when this interviewee mentioned that she was concerned for her safety considering some sober statitstics regarding the suicide rate of women one year post sobriety, you offer her the perspective that those statistics may not apply to her because her situation was not altogether similar. And that is just one example. You're a very compassionate individual.