ET's Reveal That There Is No God

ET's Reveal That There Is No God

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Podcast guest 714 is Michael Horn. All through this podcast we talked about the spiritual lessons learned from aliens. Be part of this …

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  1. The genetic manipulation done 250 thousand years ago (Greg braden) crisper editing science magazine 1961 i think….shows the telemeres were edited to shorten our lives…i dont think they would be that far off reversing that

  2. Anyone that would believe that the thing on a string (Pendulum) or the 'Weddingcake UFO is anything but a model is either mentally deranged or in serious need of something to "believe" in. It doesn't surprise me that Meier would try to convince anyone but children that this is "real", but what surprises me is that anyone but children would actually fall for this lie.

  3. I will always listen to all your guests with an open mind and heart with no judgement. I found this very interesting. I don’t look at things in black and white. I will embrace and process all information. Then I will think about it and how it resonates with my heart. Thanks for your videos!

  4. New subscriber, love your content Jeff. – A few thoughts on the Billy Meier material,….I'm not so convinced on the UFO photos and actual ET contact claims, granted the controversy over that is another subject, however…..the Spiritual Teachings I've found quite logical and rational as a way of life consonant with the truth of nature and spirit, so it is both 'spiritual' and 'scientific'. I've been meaning to dive more into the creational laws as they pertain to reality itself, as it functions and relates to our actual human experience, since an essential purpose of life as mentioned is the evolution of consciousness.

    A conventional con-cept of 'God' is not necessary, but that Life is imbued with 'energy' and 'consciousness' is a self-evident fact. There is CREATION, this is the effectual truth of what IS. – the creative spirit or energy of life behind or permeating all things, we could call 'God' or 'The Creator' or simply 'Spirit'. Reality includes all that IS, and its potential to expand or evolve itself is infinite. – thats how I see it, despite what might be seen as crackpot or silly UFO stunts, models or artifacts claimed to be hoaxed in the UFO encounter claims. I dont know if thats propped or not, or if that discounts the spiritual teachings or is inconsequential to them. Thats one aspect of the whole thing that is a bit peculiar to me,…..but the 'spiritual teachings' have a logic and wisdom that seems rational. Will research 🙂

  5. There are two different Meier supporters.
    1. The ones who are thoroughly brainwashed and believe everything he says because they are in dire need of a saviour who eases their fear in life.


    2. The ones who know that it is a blatant hoax but are already too much invested in it to admit that its fake because mainly they have a vested Interest in it like Wendell Stevens, Jim Diletosso, Francisco Villate aka Rhal Zahi and Michael Horn who sells Meier's bibles for 80 bucks a pop.

  6. Anyone that would believe that the thing on a string (Pendulum) or the 'Weddingcake UFO is anything but a model is either mentally deranged or in serious need of something to "believe" in. It doesn't surprise me that Meier would try to convince anyone but children that this is "real", but what surprises me is that anyone but children would actually fall for this lie.

  7. Hello from the UK.I'm not here to offend anyone with my little human brain lol but according to him I have wasted my time watching the other interviews. One thing he was right ,that we will not understand and I don't have a clue what he was saying.Thank you Jeff for your patience .

  8. For godly folks and…

    1) Henoch (Enoch) = born 3rd of February 9308 BC – died 1st of January 8942 BC
    2) Elia (Elijah) = born 5th of February 891 BC – died 4th June 780 BC
    Born as son of Josias of Gilad (Gilead) in Tisbitia, brought by a spaceship to Srinagar/Kashmir (today's name, India), died on 7th of April 842 BC
    3) Jesaja (Isaiah) = born 7th February 772 BC – died 5th May 690 BC
    Born as son of the Amoz of Sidon.
    4) Jeremia (Jeremiah) = born 9th February, 662 BC – died 3rd September 580 BC
    Born as son of the high priest Hilkis (Hilkas) of Anathot.
    5) Jmmanuel = born 3rd February, 2 AD – died 9th of May 111 AD
    Died in Srinagar/Kashmir (today's name, India).
    6) Muhammad = born 19th of February 571 AD – died 8th June 632 AD
    Born as son of Abdullah of Mekka (today's name Saudi Arabia).
    7) 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) = born 3rd of February 1937 AD – died…
    Born as son of the Julius Meier, of Niederflachs, 8180 Bülach, and of Berta Meier born Schwengeler, of 8492 Aegetswil/Wila/ZH. Born in the house Hintergasse, Niederflachs 1253, 8180 Bülach, canton Zurich, Switzerland.

  9. Billy Meier and Michael Horn are con artists. I followed their website and now they claim Meier predicted the Turkey earthquakes. There was nothing indicating such an event before the fact. New Age charlatans, that's what they are.

  10. Love how this guy says there is no proof of all the ET claims… he spouts Billy’s BS as if it’s the ultimate truth ( doesn’t offer any real proof of that though). I feel dumber for listening to the whole thing. Jeff your awesome though and always so positive ( you could always just call BS on these guests- in a positive way- something like….”take your meds guy”)

  11. All Religions Are False!

    Soul does not exist! afterlife does not exist! jesus does not exist! satan does not exist! God does not exist!

    hope nonsense does exist!.

    everything has a cause! Can you make yourself? no! how can god make his own? can't!

    evidence! god doesn't exist!

    energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, that is to say, it has always existed! and will always exist!

    universe has always existed and will always exist!

    evidence! god didn't create universe!

    can you prove or explain that god exists! no!

    then god doesn't exist!

    everything has a cause! but god has no cause? what nonsense!

    god making his own out of nothing! and god who makes everything out of nothing! without evidence! or explaining anything! is logic? no!

    is madness!

    Soul and afterlife!

    People talk about energy! and a soul! that goes to afterlife! while that energy which is nothing more than body heat!

    What cannot be destroyed that's right! spreading everywhere! and perishes in everything! so what!

    Not going anywhere specific! is not consciousness either!

    There is no evidence for soul! and there is no evidence for afterlife!

    You have to prove something like that first before you can say that!

    Evolution and origin of life!

    You really think god made a man in sand blew on it and there's adam grab a rib from adam and there you have eva!

    That's how it went? because that's nonsense

    You never looked up origin of life!

    You never looked up evolution!

    Even if they don't know everything yet! they try to explain! and prove things! which isn't easy! is better than nothing!

    And claim things without evidence or explanation! that's the easiest thing to do, but that doesn't make it true!

    Origin of life talk about blocks of life! who by circumstances! originated!

    Step by step! small changes over time!

    And small mutation over time!

    And that counts for evolution too! they don't claim that something came out of nothing!

    The bible does that without explanation! without evidence!

    Debate real and truth!

    There is no good or bad is illusion!

    There are no winners! there are no losers!

    everything that is made! is fake!

    made truth is not truth!

    Is no more than I say everything people think! or made!

    is fake and cannot be real or truth!

    Otherwise we wouldn't have had to make it! and think about it!

    that also means that god does not exist!

    Because they have to made it! thought about it!

    So that's fake! and can't be real or truth!

    Burden Of Proof is for everyone!

    Claim! you believe in god! why? try to explain! try to prove!

    They don't know! they just believe in god!

    Claim! that you don't believe in the claim! why? try to explain! try to prove!

    They don't know! they just dont believe the claim!

    Claim! you don't believe in god! why? try to explain! try to prove!

    They don't know! they just don't believe in god!

    Claim! you know god doesn't exist! why? try to explain! try to prove!

    They know more! and that's why they don't believe in god anymore!

    Every claim must be explained! they all think they don't have to explain it!

    Doesn't mean they don't have to explain it!


    you need evidence first! that god exists! and has always existed!

    you need evidence first! that god has created something! especially what cannot be created! energy! matter!

    you need evidence first! how god made his own out of nothing! and made everything out of nothing!

    you need evidence first! what does it matter to anyone in this world!

    you still have a very long way to go! for proving something!

    let alone explain something!

    before you can say anything about it!

  12. People never gave a crap about a creator god before the abrahamic cancer arrived. The ancient greeks had all sorts of explanations about the beginning of the universe that didn't require a god and made a lot of sense. Buddhism also rejects a creator god as well. The concept of God is a huge problem and drives humans insane.