During Her Near Death Experience She Went To The Garden Of Eden!

During Her Near Death Experience She Went To The Garden Of Eden!

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Near-death experience podcast 561 guest is Brittany. Throughout her NDE experience she encountered her family and demons.

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  1. Even with a shorter video like this one—I got a lot of "resonance" from Brittany's experience and what she has dealt with, is dealing with. I understand, especially, the aspect of breaking generational curses…also, coping with Spiritual experiences while so busy also raising 3 children, Amen! lol ~ ~ There are so many resources available for help and guidance at this time—many legitimate teachers and books out there. Blessings and Best Wishes!

  2. She may want to look up Allison dubois thank you for sharing your NDE I actually thought you were still very young lol til you said you were in a relationship for 14 years and have 3 kids you definitely don't look like that lol thanks again try checking Allison out

  3. Im truly grateful for Brittany's testimony, ive had similar experiences and they continue to happen all the time, the ancestral connection to demonic attacks is a strong possibility in my family's bloodline.

  4. Jeff, I can’t remember which Channel but I know for sure it was either beyond death or heaven awaits, they straight up made some messed up accusations directly toward your channel that is completely inappropriate and honestly should be investigated by YouTube and they should be held accountable. Really pissed me off

  5. Brittany I hear you. Had a lot of experiences as a child as well. Had a bad stepfather, and I felt it came from him, but today I think that thinking bad of others attract these bad energies. So, it can happen as a child as well. Also later on, dealing with a narcissistic person, like a spouse, that can also bring bad things home. I also believe that a narcissistic person work with them, are controlled to some extent, get inspiration from them, because they do not have an inner spiritual compass somehow, they just fulfill their own desire even if it’s hurts those close to them. I also think your an empath, so you just give and give, sacrificing yourself. You’re powerful, so you have to take care of whom you spent time with. I use the term “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing “, hence I let go and don’t think of their selfish actions, I don’t feel hurt anymore. This method gives me freedom to focus on love, so that I don’t attract bad energy. Love to you dear one and thank you for your experience.❤️

  6. Sounds like a drug induced lucid nightmare, not a NDE. But I'm afraid I don't buy this one. This guest seems too amused and entertained by her own story, with little to no emotion. Her smile remains while she describes demons tearing off her flesh and she describes Hell as a scene from a very specific movie. I really hate to be the cynic in the room but, hey, people lie for attention and the enjoyment this guest is getting from her 5 mins of fame is written all over her face.

    Still love the channel and Jeff for the voice it gives to genuine NDErs. There will inevitably be the odd dubious one in the mix. Keep up the great work Jeff!