After Her Near Death Experience She Wins The Lottery Multiple Times And Gives Away Money!

After Her Near Death Experience She Wins The Lottery Multiple Times And Gives Away Money!

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  1. Actually the procedure of looking at your hands is to teach you how to sustain your attention while in a dream. Dreaming attention is different from waking attention and it needs to be trained the same way we trained our waking attention. The drill goes like this:you take a quick glance at the back of your hands and then look around at the objects in your dream. Every few seconds you glance back at the backs of your hands and then look around again. The glancing at the back of your hands renews your dreaming attention. Because most people haven’t trained their dreaming attention,the features of their dreams lack continuity. The objects,or people,in their dreams can change into something or someone else. It was recommended that one should not try to control the contents of their dreams,but rather to train the dreaming attention.

  2. A ghost told me mine is uncle Larry and aunt Bertha. By the way I was trying to feed this ghost food or coffee during a 6 foot stow storm.and she told me this didn't want food just to sit in dining room and rest.30 min later.i asked her u sure you r not hungry.turned awY to work 2 sec looked back no one's there.besides she was 95 in paper thin night gown and velcro slippers. This stuff is normal for me. I laugh at it.but sleep with lites on.ugh

  3. I really enjoyed this one. Such interesting events that happen in her life. Also I find these women that have this connection to spirit kind of radiate something special. I felt a big attraction to this particular woman. Not being creepy. Just interested if anyone else feels this?