[2 NDEs] I Went To Hell, The Reason Will Shock You | Near Death Experience

[2 NDEs] I Went To Hell, The Reason Will Shock You | Near Death Experience

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  1. What is wrong with New Age? It is another attempt to understand transcendental experiences, not that much different from most other religions. There is a lot of nonsense in New Age Mysticism, fo course. But there is a lot of nonsense in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and almost any religion you can think of. I do not believe that God, whomever or whatever you conceive him to be, cares the slightest hoot about what framework of thinking or religious doctrine you believe in as long as you are a good person. And there are many good New Age adherents. And as for Orthodox Christianity… are we to look to Vladimir Putin and his High Priest lapdog Vladimir Gundyayev for moral inspiration, perhaps? I cannot accept these NDEs at face value. As there are good people in all religions, there is also evil and monstrosity in them too. If anything my experience taught me that I needed no religion.

  2. I’m sorry, no disrespect, but there is no correlation with new age and reiki with evil. Your testimony is either false, misleading or there is missing information about your life. I am a registered nurse who sees value in many of types of energy therapies. Aside from that since I have been open to reiki and other therapies it has strengthened my relationship with God.

  3. Read and study your new testament bible. Jesus Christ is the only way to God and His qualifications far out strip any other teachers qualifications. Jesus was born of a virgin by The Holy Spirit, lived a sinless life, healed the sick and raised the dead, Had the voice of God saying "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, Listen To Him" at both his baptism and at the mount of transfiguration experience, gave his life as a payment for our sins to make us acceptable before God the Fathers (satisfies both the just nature and mercy nature of God). And took up his life again in His resurrection from the dead, The many things he did after His resurrection and His accession. Any purveyor of a contrary doctrine or belief must have better qualifications to over ride what Jesus taught, and there are NONE with better qualifications. None of the disciples ever recanted their witness testimony of Jesus and 11 of 12 were martyred for their testimony. Men don't die for lies. There is only One way to be clear with God and that is through Jesus. Many NDE's have deceptions to steer people away from Christ Jesus. Don't be deceived. Peace

  4. I'm sorry the only part I don't believe is you saying when ur in hell that's it?? Beyond false for even in hell you can call upon Jesus if you truly want and he will come? To say the son of God and God who is all forgiving won't forgive you is a no go

  5. So many testimonies of people dying going to h*** calling out for mercy and being rescued in a few of them even have the goal to say. There's no way to get out of there. I guess just if you're special like them. God makes an exception for these few special people but that doesn't make sense God is not partial. He'll have mercy on all of us

  6. Hahahaha, this two story are so made up and fake, is so obvious that religious people keep trying to infiltrate the NDEr and contaminate our experiences with this Bible thumping stuff
    What a joke! But very entertaining and funny as hell!
    They should be ashamed of all this lies and manipulative stories
    There’s absolutely a Satan, and that’s the one within themselves

    But thank you for the laughs

  7. By watching a lot of your other videos, it seems there are many different belief systems that are brought up that have seen and talked with Jesus. To say there is only one way to follow religion to be with God totally disagrees with all of the other videos.

  8. 5:04 – 2nd NDE
    6:21 – a figure appeared. They knew it was Jesus.
    6:33 – Jesus said the different branches of Christianity hav some truth. The orthodox branch was the true one. The narrow path in Bible was only way 2 reach God.

    I don't think this is true. Let's say the narrow path in the Bible is how you'd meet God in the afterlife (since everyone who'se seen heavn doesn't c God or Jesus) there's near death experiences that show u don't hav 2b a certain religion 2 go 2 heaven.

  9. God embraces all of his creations, not just Christians. God created everyone and does not hate anyone. What happened to "love your neighbor as yourself"? Christ never said love your neighbor only if they are Christian and not if they are "New Age". The first "NDE" was so obviously fake/biased that I could not finish this video. Dogma is bad karma.

  10. The orthodox Christianity is the real one? Did Jesus mean the one that's mostly Roman and had a bunch of evil Popes? Maybe we should just go full Roman and call him Mithras and do the rest of the rites of Mithraism on his holy day, Sunday, as in sun god day. Maybe that's who he really is, nobody was named Jesus, it's an Anglicized form of a Greek version of Yeshua, it's not even close to the name of the actual person, Mithras would be as close as Jesus is. I looked up images of Mithras and he was beardless though. However, Quirinus, another Roman god, looked exactly like the entity, in depictions on coins. Look yourself, that could be who the entity is.

  11. Don't seek a religion seek a relationship.

    Jeremiah 29:13 you will seek me and you will find me when you search for me with your whole heart.

    Isaiah 29:13
    The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.

  12. Look at terrifying video for the unbelievers a teenager who was shot resuscitated back in ambulance they made a video of what she saw in hell it lines up with Bill Weise experience of what he saw when Jesus took him there to warn world. Its on Mikayla Kooper called must see this is LIFECHANGING. If this doesn't wake you up then nothing will

  13. Seems to be a problem. Let's see what Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown.
    A Jesus NDE – JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light – a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home."

    Another Jesus story, notice what she was told…NDE – KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love."

    Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people…notice what she is to tell….
    NDE – BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was…and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out…it's a blueprint…you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life."

    Again, told directly from God….
    NDE – BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD."

    Jesus again….
    NDE – L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this."

    Notice, he was told….
    NDE – PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew."

    Again, notice what she's told….
    NDE – ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!"

    Yet again, he was told….
    NDE – NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience."

    And this….NDE – SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife."

    Another one…NDE – L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction."

    Again, she was told….
    NDE – R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back."

    And again….NDE – JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn."

    No "hell", and religions are abuse?….NDE – GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt."

    Now, notice this one….
    NDE – B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG…even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.”

    See this one…
    NDE – NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss…they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."

  14. Also read these short NDEs below.
    Notice again…
    NDE – LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE."

    A Christian…and notice, again….
    NDE – ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian."

    Again, no "hell" and no judgement….NDE – JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY."

    Yet again, no "hell" and never separated….
    NDE – GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are."

    Again, no "hell" and no reward….NDE – STEVE L.: "I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one."

    Notice again, he clearly understood….
    NDE – DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."