★ DR EBEN ALEXANDER: Life Changing Lessons from the Author of Proof of Heaven

★ DR EBEN ALEXANDER: Life Changing Lessons from the Author of Proof of Heaven

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  1. It's like a miracle that I happened even by accident to touch your Google site so there are no accidents they were lessons in here that I learned because I'm going through a hard time learning a lesson right now I want to thank you both from the bottom of my heart and I will be going to the webinar and the other Google sites thank you Michael thank you mr. Alexander I feel a kinship because I live alone I'm grieving but you were a healing Factor to my ears to my heart today thank you

  2. Why does God refuse to help me in my most darkest time? I'm 45 and I'm at my wits end with how my life is going. I know I need to take ownership of my own problems but I feel I'm way to deep here and need God's favor so bad. And I'm not even asking much. I've begged and begged to God for years to just give me a helping hand, but nothing. Nothing has fallen in my favor. If God really exists then he's cruel for leaving me abandoned like this. I can't do this on my own anymore and I'm sick and tired of waiting! When is he going to react, when I'm 70 or 80?

  3. This was the most beautiful interview I have ever seen felt both Souls enliven my soul and I thank you so much and I will follow up on these website to try to learn more and for the my growing while I'm here thank you for both of you you're truly beautiful people

  4. NOTHING is what it appears to be!
    Religion, enlightenment, philosophy…2,000+ years of observation from humanity. All the traditions and standards of our recorded lives here on earth and what WE think life is all about.
    Humanity is great at interpreting, recording what "It" thinks as Truth and Real in it's observation of self. The truth that surrounds us is NOT what we think it is!
    NDE's are showing us something quite different after all. I believe in what these people are experiencing!
    The Holy Bible. The Koran…are nothing more than observations made from religious leaders and given to the masses as commandments, rules of living through THERE EYE's!
    20+ years of hearing experiences of life after death. We are waking up…

  5. I often ponder the existence of highly advanced beings of pure light, very much like our our souls or spirits and so advanced that light and crystals can be used to make matter in the material realm. Assuming this as a possibility, could it be that we are infant light beings on a journey to become mature through the hard lessons that material life brings? This would explain the ET and UFO existence to some extent. Their ability to move between dimensions and to enter ours to observe us grow and move on. Then I come to the idea that Earth/Gaia is here as a training ground for souls and civilizations. Of course I come to the quandary of the material reductionist. And the conflict they create. Pure science is the search for truth. Our science is the politicized search for what certain people want to be true. Hence science has become controlled by the system to a large extent. Namaste. Edward William Case

  6. When we totally love, totally forgive, totally let go, Embrace total unconditional empathy, that's when we open up our spiritual capacity for greater abilities. I love this concept!! When we really become like God…we become…Like God. the great commandments, Love the Lord thy god and the second like unto it, love thy neighbor as thyself. If we could truly LOVE, we wouldn't have the desire to hurt one another and sin. Our power to creation and healing opens up. I also love, we are all here to learn from one another and to teach one another. I think that we are entering this age of more than just information…But enlightenment and openness to love and forgiveness. The movement in coaching I think is this innate desire to be those ministering angels we once were, to help lift one another out of pain as we have been moved out of pain. We all find our niche, but there is truly something to this new era of teaching and learning from one another's gifts. I Love the understanding of karma as it truly is too, that we must be willing to learn the lessons we are here to learn, and that we must get what we give. You will pay the price of causing pain. This all reminds me of why ho'opnopono is such a great concept!!

  7. Dr. Alexander resorted to plagiarism after a loss of surgical privileges after falsifying medical records in attempts to avoid malpractice litigation. I am the original author of Proof of Heaven of 2012 under the name "Heavens Pen " of 2005 within the Library of Congress copyright registry# TXU001339077. Alexander is a pseudonym author without consent and I know how he encroached my Heavenly dossier scribed of dreams following prayer. My writing partner and creator of "Doc Hollywood", .Dr.. Neil Shulman, assisted Dr. Alexander believing I never copyrighted Heavens Pen after refused distribution to Shulman. My editorial was shared with Shulman used at our groundbreaking of the "Global Humanitarian Summit " at Emory University. Divinity impetus is a privilege and not a revenue source was my reason of thwarting distribution to Shulman. That doesn't mean though I never copyrighted my work, Dr. Shulman.
    To learn more of my allegation, you can go to FB page "Dr. Eben Alexander and desecration of the Afterlife "

  8. This was so wonderful watching you engage so graciously an intelligently with Dr Eben Alexander. On my to buy list is your book a w e and map of Heaven and I have already read proof of heaven I want to share a book with you that you may be interested it's an older book copyrighted 1997 this book entitled there are no accidents… synchronicity and the stories of Our Lives was a national bestseller at the time and the author's name is Robert H. H 0 p cke