UPDATE: Not Dead. More videos coming soon!

UPDATE: Not Dead. More videos coming soon!

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  1. The fact that you intentionally and flippantly misuse the moniker 'shaman' indicates moral bankruptcy. Deal with your ego and lack of ethics, please. Until you do so, plant medicine is wasted on you SHAM-MAN.

  2. Great!! Found you at the most perfect time! I'm a new subscriber and I'm really looking forward to all your great and informative videos 🙂 is so freaking real and down-to-earth man! It really is people like you I'm trying to learn from 🙂

  3. You may have died. OK hear me out & yes I'm going to sound bat shit crazy to some. From what I've learn't the earth split into two frequency copies , a bit like when a cell replicates. One remained at earth's preexisting frequency for those souls that couldn't move on, the second copy has been moving higher and higher in frequency for those souls that could make the transition to the higher "realms" / "densities". Where we're headed I have no idea. So in that lower density earth your lower density body probably died.

  4. Just found your channel. I find all your videos very interesting. I love em. Please keep doing them. I’ve always wished I could be psychic. Sounds dumb but I’ve always thought about what it would be like.