What Dying Taught Me – It's Simple And Beautiful

What Dying Taught Me – It's Simple And Beautiful

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  1. Why wouldn't we already know how to love? God is love and we are from God so why would love be something we need to learn? And who is testing us? Life is a "testing ground?" God knows us through and through so I don't know why we need to be tested.

    And I don't think we should call people "alcoholics" and "drug addicts." It reduces a human down to a single thing they are struggling with, but it's certainly not all they are. Humans are multi-faceted and complex beings. People who are hurting inside because they had bad things happen to them and they use a substance to ease their pain aren't necessarily selfish or bad. They could be very good people who just have a lot of emotional pain. It might just be that they haven't yet gotten the help they need or perhaps the pain is too great and they aren't ready to face it yet. They shouldn't be judged or God forbid, put in jail. They're not hurting anyone. We have to move beyond the drug war mentality and all that judgment. If we are being tested we've certainly failed by imprisoning people who haven't harmed anyone.

  2. I am a believer in Christ as my Lord and Savior. It’s made a big difference in the way I feel about death. Although I’d like to live a bit longer to see my grandson graduate, when God calls me home, I will be able to go without all the fear I once had! Thank you for your video