The Hidden History Of Humanity – Forbidden Archeology

The Hidden History Of Humanity – Forbidden Archeology

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Podcast guest 865 is Michael Cremo, member of the Entire world Archeological Congress, the European Association of Archaeologists as perfectly as an affiliate member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute specializing in record and philosophy of science. He is an creator of numerous publications which includes: Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternate to Darwin’s Concept and additional.

Forbidden Archeology

The Hidden Heritage of the Human Race

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  1. Interesting, but the evidence he presents is very flimsy. To think we have been around for 100's of millions of years? That's beyond absurd. We have found dinosaurs and other creatures from the beginning of life on this planet smaller than chickens and never found a human bone that dates past 300,000 years. Also, if you see how we live, we mine all the elements on the planet, then throw them out in large garbage piles. If we had civilizations we would see a lot of areas with very mixed materials, think of a garbage pile of toasters, microwaves, all manner of items, which we dont find. All the iron we find is in large mines, there is NO evidence so far of any civilizations before maybe 14,000 years now. This guy has no useful evidence other than theories, which dont fit all the science we have done in the past 300 years.

  2. At 108:07 (if you were wondering) he is referring to "Vanara", a race of "people" featured heavily in the epic Hindu poem "The Ramayana". They are depicted as being monkeylike in appearance but with human intelligence. The Hindu deity Hanuman is from that group but he has the "wind god" for a father which affords him mystic abilities beyond what his kinfolk could display.
    These "Vanara" have tails like monkeys which are described many times in the Ramayana… so there are more steps needed if you want to use this as evidence of the co-existence of humans with pre-human (or human-like) species from oral traditions. They were monkeys with evolved intelligence as the epic describes.
    I'm thinking that the author (Valmiki) of stories about talking monkies with names that were common and speak the same language that's spoken in the Capitol City Ayodhya, may have relied heavily on his own imagination (or at least a little)… 🙂 Never underestimate the power of poetry!
    I'm a huge fan of this epic along with the other GREAT Vedic epic, the Mahabharata.

  3. According to information from other sources the human species is fairly dominant in this galaxy.The basic differences in this common genetic profile is color & physiology.
    The black race came here on a resource exploitation mission 35k years ago from the Sirius starsystem.The white race came from the Lyrian star system 300k years ago.There is even a blue offplanet humanoid race.The brown race is the only native species ion earth.

  4. There still exists "little people". I met them as a child when my military dad was stationed in the Philippines in 1967. They were called 'Negretos" and were allowed to sell things they made by hand on base periodically.They were only about 4 ft tall.

  5. Thanks a lot Michael and Jeff! That was excellent. I love what he said about various body types,animals and humanoid,not being extinct,but rather not being chosen to inhabit at this time. I believe that the Neanderthal body type operates out of pure intuition,and that the Biblical story of Adam and Eve eating of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil,is a story of mankind’s shift from intuition to reason as his main approach to relating to nature and his fellow man. It was definitely a devolution. Hopefully we’re headed for a new body type where our reason and intuition are in perfect balance!

  6. Very intersting discussion. And Jeff, I find that no matter who the guest is, you ask such thoughtful and purposeful questions, you really are very good at interviewing. Most of the podcast hosts I listen to regularly could learn a lot from your style and technique. Keep up the good work!

  7. False. Africans/Blacks are human beings and original man. Why? Because they’re source DNA. Unfortunately Whites are genetic mutations allowed to flourish. Do you have primate DNA? Yes. Do Blacks? No. They’re all human. You’re DNA is a combination. It was only supposed to be one, well initially.

  8. because of my religion i was convinced civilization was only 6000 yrs old, but tons of evidence cause me to rethink this theory, the reality is possibly hundreds of millions of history of modern man, i think it was like 100 mil yrs old skull of a modern human skull was discovered!

  9. Think he is spot on with the sense of identity, ' they ' try far harder to make us human cattle than any version of what we may have been or could be. Very sad, cool cast.

  10. Matt Lecroix discusses a lot of these areas of civilisations too.
    The cuniform tablets are fascinating & he has the remarkable gift of deciphering many of the meanings.
    Thankyou Jeff, this gentleman has been very interesting.