Teenage Girl Has Near Death Experience & Meets God

Teenage Girl Has Near Death Experience & Meets God

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Near-death experience visitor 782 Michelle Petersen, a mother-infant nurse for 41 as well as many years. At the age of 15, she experienced a visionary …

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  1. Thanks a lot Michelle and Jeff! That was a great episode! I was very emotionally moved by Michelle’s testimony. Perhaps God revealed the Holy Spirit to you in the form of pure darkness. Maybe the Holy Spirit is female. The yin to the yang of light. Pure feeling,silent knowledge,two halves of one whole,☯️. They had to separate in order for there to be a creation. When in balance they cancel each other out,and only the zero point of absolute stillness exists. That separation has been labeled,(the BigBang). They moved as far away from each other as possible and we were born. All powerful and with total amnesia!

  2. Wow! I have experienced a hand on my right shoulder too, when I was grieving the death of my friend. I have also experienced hearing a different voice three times in my life. They have always been in my right ear. First time it was upon waking up. A woman’s voice said to me really loud, Will no job. My son was looking for a job and was waiting to hear back from one of the jobs he really wanted. The next day he called me and said he didn’t get the job. Next time was a man’s voice that shouted, No, no, no! When I was writing down all of the people in my life that have abused me. I think they were trying to tell me that it wasn’t important to do that, because I should move on so I can heal, since I was on my path of healing my past. And the 3rd time, was most recently. I was in bed trying to go to sleep, and I heard my name in a female child’s voice. I’ve also had flashes and dreams that come true a few days or months later, which to me seemed like warnings. I have only told a few people I can trust because the response I get from people who don’t believe me, which is fine. I don’t need to have someone to confirm it, that doesn’t believe.

  3. The Kennedy assassination hit me pretty hard too. I broke into a neighbor's garage and stole all of the Hardy Boys books I could find and buried myself in literature. (3rd grade)
    You don't hear about the Hardy Boys or The Yearling or Rascal, anymore. It's all about Nintendo and such – why no one can spell anymore, or savor words.

  4. I heard something not long ago,when we experience what could present as being victimized.Use it as a challenge to overcome.Once we take on victimization we set ourselves at disadvantage.Great guest,she has much to share an teach.

  5. I don't have words for what I felt/feel listening to this beautiful soul's story. The softeness/gentleness she exudes, the depths she shares from, the poems that are beyond amazing. Thank you for sharing!

  6. This channel is such a gift from the creator god. I know there is truth in some of these stories. All the glory and honor to the creator god. All participants thank you for sharing your experiences.

  7. I heard an audible voice the same way! loud and almost resonating. It was only heard by me and no one else around me in the bible book store. I was asking a question about Satan as there were colored dust covered paperbacks in a display as the monthly feature about the topic.
    I asked "God why did you create Satan? It was an off the cuff/spur of the moment, provocative, impulsive question of which I was not really expecting any response too!
    As she heard a voice in like manner, it was the same for me too just as she described.
    God answered me in these exact words.
    (I'll use capitals to expand your imagination about the loudness of his voice which I can only describe as being something like talking in a microphone close to your mouth with the volumn turned way up with lots of reverb) Do this with a church mic and it will be pretty darn close..
    So he said:
    when I heard those words I thought of Isaiah 14 that describes this individual.
    When I heard the voice I was in complete shock and befuddlement because I was not expecting an answer because though we have certain beliefs about God we dont really believe we can experience him. He gave me a small moment to challenge my understanding about him and about myself.
    He answered only once like this and never again..
    My own opinion after experiencing this is that we can not manipulate God! He does as he chooses. He answeres when he wants to. Whether we expect it or not or whether believe he will or won't. But if he does he does it with a purpose behind the action. This is just my opinion! Im not speaking as some kind of prophet of which I am not! just sharing what happened to me that one day in a bible book store in Mount Vernon WA in 1981.