Symptoms Of Ascension, Mandela Effect, The Solar Flash & More With Michael Dellarocca

Symptoms Of Ascension, Mandela Effect, The Solar Flash & More With Michael Dellarocca

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  1. There is more to this spirituality thing that isn't told to many because it can't be Told. Like Anything in our history throughout time itself. As lately it's becoming the trend with the same theories as if it's that simple but not necassarily. As it just can't be explained in our human language as it's like a ouija board. When communicating with dead people they use the Board like a Computer because it has the Alphabet for our version of communication. Where as if you 'know', like 'know' your loved one is near, they don't need that communication network aka Ouija board.
    As everything he is describing is Exactly what I did in 2021 thinking I was so awakened and changing my life around because I went organic, thought positive, did meditation, did all that music energy vibration but it didn't work out as it did for other's.
    My health dropped Drastically, still had my horrific seizures and soon after had to struggle for survival for me and my 6 cats. Had to rush back to my doctors to get my true medical help. This mental state many describe is not what many think. It all varies person to person. Just like your many guests and their own unique experiences.

  2. I have two weird Mandela effect :
    1. The USA has 52 states.
    It's a deep and core memory in me, even I know this number is "wrong", my first answer is always 52.
    2. The position of New Zealand.
    In my memories New Zealand is north-east of Australia.
    It sounds dumb, but I have to tell you, I love the geography, I love the maps, even I have a globe on my desk…
    I "see" New Zealand above Australia.

    The Sun was golden yellow before, now it's white.

    And I see a changes in the perception of time as well, lot of glitches are in this are too.

  3. Oh, and by the way, everybody and their brother has looked up the Ed McMahon videos and he absolutely did do the publishers clearing house. It's very, very, very well documented. But people will listen to this guy and just take him for his word. I'm starting to think this guy is just high.

  4. Yes, we create and accept limiting thoughts and beliefs, but it's designed like that so we can give the so called handlers of this planet loosh aka the afrenochrome of the spirit universal plane.

  5. STEROID AND PED use causes all those issues . Lmao it's insane how oxymoronic godless suffering are. Haha you wonder why a lot of these yt salesmen pumped up making fools of themselves. All you yt salesmen OWEDat judgement. Haha. Watch how that works out suffering grown adult morons. Haha