She Went On An Incredible Journey During Her NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE

She Went On An Incredible Journey During Her NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE

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Near-death experience visitor 1099 is Pamela Nance who has a Master of Arts in Anthropology and Mesoamerican Archaeology, …

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  1. My wife tells me a story, that when she was around about 6 years old, she remembers a dream, vision of being taken to a mountain top holding the hand of man wearing a gown.
    He pointed his hand to a very old town down the valley. Very ancient in ruins.

    He told her to help him rebuild those ruins.

    To this day she still remembers very vividly this Dream.
    She believes the man was Jesus.

  2. Fantastic Journeys. This was one of the best ndes I have ever heard. Knowing our animals have spirits as well makes me feel good. I am an animal lover as well. We're supposed to take care of them.

  3. Jeff, I am still struggling with the sudden loss of my beautiful Mother January 4, 2024 When your guest said she saw herself in the yard being loaded into the Ambulance, and in her ER Hospital room as Doctors worked to revive her, I can’t help but think as my Mama was being taken out to the Ambulance that day, and the stops they made on the road doing CPR on her, and the hour they worked on her in the Trauma Center before declaring her gone at 4:11PM I feel she was watching everything too, but Mama died, she didnt come back, I miss and grieve her and her 15 year old Doggy “Itty” and watching these videos gives me hope and comfort that I will see her again with our Creator somewhere above. The suddeness of her death was so hard to see, to deal with, but one day we will be together again. Jeff, “Thank You For The Hope Or That Reunion Through The Experiences Your Guests All Seem To Guarantee”

  4. After listening to Pamela's story and multiple paranormal occurrences, it really makes me wonder why some folks have so many, and others have nothing, another unknown for me to ponder I suppose. Much love, light, happiness, and success.