She Watched Her Surgery With Archangel Michael During Her Near Death Experience

She Watched Her Surgery With Archangel Michael During Her Near Death Experience

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Near-death experience visitor 720 is Joycce who in the course of her NDE experience watched her procedure with Archangel Michael.

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  1. This happened to me during the delivery of one of my kids. It was extremely traumatic and I was pulled from my body by a guide. I’ve since learned his name is Jacob. I was in a dark tunnel that was very quiet and peaceful. I was watching myself on the bed and could see the midwife and my then husband standing at the end. Sitting cross legged in front of me was a small man wearing a turban. I never saw his face but I heard him say “I know this has been very hard but it’s nearly over and you will be ok”. I’ve had lots of other experiences with angels and other spirit beings as well. There is a beautiful spirit world so close to us.❤️❤️❤️. We are never alone.

  2. Thank you Joycce for sharing your heartfelt experience. Hearing about how loving archangel Michael was for you was very comforting.
    Many thanks to Jeff and Mara for their daily devotion to bringing hope and comfort to their fellow earthly travelers.

  3. Your beliefs are very important and powerful. When you transition to other life your beliefs what you see. Like this lady believing in Archangel Michael she will be greeted by him on the other side. That's why there're so many different NDE accounts

  4. 37:00 That is called an after-death communication. A very similar thing happened to me after my grandma died. I had just come home from visiting my grandma in hospice and my dad called me and said my grandma had just died. While we were on the phone, my phone rang and lit up right when he said she had died. It did not just beep like an incoming call on the other line. IT RANG AND LIT UP like my phone was not in use. And I said, "It was me, I helped her pass on, " and when I said that the phone stopped ringing. I went to the hospice that day urgently because I knew I had to help her pass on. I reassured her that she would exist after her body died, that she was not her body, that she was an eternal spirit that would return to her real home. I told her that she was a good grandma that took great care of me when I was in her care as a child, and that her work here was done. That she could let go and not worry about her broken body anymore. She would be free of the pain and earthly worries. I then left and she passed within an hour of me leaving. I knew I had to reassure her she would be okay, and that phone call confirmed to me that she heard my reassurances that it was okay to let go.

  5. I agree with Joyce about the love of animals. I can also communicate with my pets and know when they are sick before anyone else in my household. I definitely prefer the company of animals to humans

  6. My young nephew was on his toy phone talking and giggling after my elderly father died. I stood by the door hearing him say on the toy phone" ohh Pappa your so funny". I walked in and he said " Pappa says he's happy now because he called me on my phone. It sent chills thru me but I believe they did talk even if it was a plastic phone

  7. My mom has seen a little Victorian girl before she said she had curls and brown hair and she tapped her on the nose and said what did I tell you? My mom kept going back to an abuser who was giving her drugs. After that my mom seen that she has been clean ever since and doesn’t see him anymore