She Learned That This REALTY IS AN ILLUSION During Her Near Death Experience

She Learned That This REALTY IS AN ILLUSION During Her Near Death Experience

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Near-death experience guest 581 is Jacqueline who during her NDE touched bardo and has appear back again to convey to about it. Her NDE experience took spot although she was in a coma.

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  1. Jacqueline! Oh WOW! Thank you !! There is so much for me to relate to in your account. It's all there in your voice.
    The lead got buried, however…. I wanted to hear your take on "The Pistes Sophia". 🙂

  2. I'm starting to realise our egos are not natural to us, just as Jacqueline did. This place being an illusion, the ego is an illusion too. We were once part of an organic planet, full of love and union. We were hijacked and made into hybrids, our dna compromised, the reptilian brain installed…the ego made normal. We are in an illusion, and Jacqueline found this out. She came back without an ego. Many of us nder's come back with less ego, but she came bac with no ego, after ego deaths of all her lives? Wow. I loved this. We are all returning to Source, and there is a New Earth outside here, that is prepared for us during an exodus event…very soon. This place is NOT fun at all. Despite the Love we feel and how awake we are. Especially these days as we watch the horror movie unfold.
    Tibetan Buddhism does teach the Bardo as an experience of dissolution of the ego-mind. After death. She had this before death. This is amazing, need to listen to this again. Thank you for an amazing interview Jeff. Not surprised the hospital didn't find any root cause to her symptoms.

  3. I appreciate her experience. I just struggle to understand how the NDEer always says they come back with this knowledge to share with the world. It ain’t new. We know this. I think it is meant to personal but the experience is so profound that they can’t keep it to themselves. Reminds me of someone doing psychedelics for the first time, “We are Love and we are all connected” or “We could change the world with this drug” as if no one else before you discovered it or thought about it.

  4. 'This reality exists because of the symbolic opening of Pandora's Box' That's it, exactly. Read 'The Fall' by Michael G Reccia. It is not at all necessary to keep coming back, this realm is a mistake.

  5. What you described you saw, felt- when you couldn't find the words, to getting back to reality when trying to communicate after coming to reminds me of 2 recent seizures I had. Been an Epileptic for years but once in a great while I have unique ones. I didn't see any light (like many NDE's) but it was my thought process that was similar. I was already dead asleep, woke up to look around the room and it felt like a dream but yet real then my body starts drifting to the left while the right side of my brain felt like a load of pressure pushing to where I knew ope I'm going into a seizure. Woke up and happened again. I woke up the following morning trying to remember, was that a dream? I found out it was 2 seizures and real as I pissed the bed but yet my thoughts on life and reality were different. That vary morning waking up from those particular seizures I didn't care to go on the web, everything around me felt like a dream, like that mind reality during the seizure felt more Real than what I am in currently. Didn't go back online or regular activities for a few weeks.

  6. A soul trap does not negate morality/Natural Law/Cause and Effect. It is our coerced belief in moral relativism (satanism), and our free will choices of behavior, made from that spiritually devolved unnatural belief, that keeps us perpetuating, proportional to that belief, this unnatural hellish matrix. We are the divine co-creators, not the coercing parasitic archons that mo longer possess a divine creative spark who are solely dependent on us to make our free will choices, to initiate harm to others, (war, carnism, circumcision, abortion, blood shots, etc. and in doing so provide the sustenance and the artificial inverted backdrop for these parasites to exist in this realm. The Golden Rule/Natural Law is profoundly simple. It is the way back to heaven.. We are each accountable for the consequences of our free will choices of behavior, coerced or not. DO NOT INITIATE HARM TO OTHERS OR SUPPORT THOSE THAT DO. We are infiniteley powerful divine co-creators governed by the ONLY LAW, Natural Law. High time we start taking responsibility for this illusory slave construct we perpetuate and get right with Natural Law. We are victims by choice. Archons MUST have our consent/capitulation to that which initiates harm, to exist here in that unnatural low frequency.

  7. My spiritual ability is discernment of energy thru a person's voice. This young lady is NOT socially awkward. Her appearance is a facade of socially awkward. She is so connected to her heart and full of LOVE. Her verbal expressive abilities are high level IQ. Compared to my personal spiritual experiences (almost 30yrs.worth)…she is spot on. I just don't have any experience with drugs like that to compare to. Loved this interview, thank-you!