She Learned 3 THINGS From Her Near Death Experience

She Learned 3 THINGS From Her Near Death Experience

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Near-death experience guest 748 is Janet Thurgood and we talked about her NDE experience and what she figured out from it. Janet is a Quantum Healing Practitioner, instructor, public speaker and a healing advocate. Immediately after a 25 year battle with Lyme Sickness and a sequence of near death out of body experiences, she woke up to a greater variation of who she was.

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  1. People it's true in 1985 I left my body
    .I even. Seen a spirit so now I been learning more I need to eat more knowledge I started seeing these things at three yrs old but I need to know how to use this gift. I even seen this man standing at the

    Foot of my bed many time he was about 8-10 feet tall I but the cover over my head thing Im dreaming but l look again he was still there with this Rod in his hand yes something is happening..

  2. What about men obsessed with gyms and other peoples looks and their own looks? SHOCKER that body isn’t even them. And all the women they objectify a lot of men are so idiotic

  3. I think I have a gift and I have not been able to grasp what it is. At night I can fall asleep body wise but stay awake mentally. I can control or ask what I want to experience but it’s in a very imaginative way. Is it real or am I creating it? I can really see things while I am a sleep and interact with this other world, but it’s bizarre at times. I have met people and have had conversations but like she said maybe I am just crazy??

  4. Wow!
    No wonder God said to let no man teach you!
    I truly appreciate you sharing your experiences and I wish you well with whatever is on your path
    But telling people to let go of thousands and to go into their imagination??
    Wow!, I hope you reconsider this statement because there’s no way anyone can reconcile this two things

    But whatever!

    I wish you well and many blessings

  5. Yet again another interesting interview. "Our physical body and our brain are the actual veil, that veils us from the dimensions we can't see" I never looked at it like this an interesting observation that made me think. As usual always something to be learned from these interviews. Thank you Jeff.

  6. This guest is incredibly articulate and perfectly believable. Much of what she is saying resonates with me. The mind body complex is as she says not what we really are. I’ve understood this intellectually for most of my life BUT having that true knowing and being/experience of the divine/our true nature as a reflection/image of god on an everyday basis, I find difficult. We’re not all blessed with such impactful experiences but I do completely relate to everything she is conveying.

  7. Total BS People die every day. You will die. Ever hear of the thing ' Nothing as certain as death and taxes" ? Yes, it's true. Go on and delude yourself in thinking that you will never die. It doesn't matter, you will anyway. All the wishful thinking and ' manifesting ' won't help. What remains is what was before you were born.

  8. I can totally relate about her relationship with her mother now. My father passed Aug 28th 2022, I was never really close to him, growing up was very traumatic due to my father. Alcoholic and a drug user, he suffered PTSD from the passing of his mother at age 9, whom he found dead at that age. So I held a grudge most of my life against him. I now know he is in complete peace with his mother. I can now talk to him, I forgave him and understand why his actions were what they were on this earth. I realized I do love my father, and I am glad I can speak with him now.

  9. i have fibromyalgia too…..hated it when it first started it was not good…..i also have anxiety dental phobia the hospital had to remove teeth under anaesthetic in febuary cause i couldn't do it awake at all…..that was quite a journey but im glad theyre gone…..

  10. Hi Jeff, Ive noticed some guerrilla advertising on this thread starting w/ this person :

    Rosella Lawson 7 days ago / go have a look (360 replies etc) These groups (investors) are doing this throughout other peoples' threads on videos that have greater traffic, fyi

  11. I lost over $80K when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be better now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recver my money, at least $12k weekly.Thanks so much Thomas Frederick//.

  12. I have listened to countless NDEs and my take from it is that when it happens you need to trust that you are going to be guided and loved. Relax and accept whatever your guides or angels have to say. It’s a gift if you can get that time out and be more aware of who you really are.I have no gifts as such but the greatest gift is for those that listen we will not be shocked by this. I think Jeff is going to go down as a gateway for us to get a glimpse of what’s ahead. We thank you for having these wonderful people on your podcast.