Reverend McDonald's 3 Near Death Experiences and his Journey to India!

Reverend McDonald's 3 Near Death Experiences and his Journey to India!

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  1. Oh my goodness! Rev Bill is a fantastic fellow! Thank you Jess snd Bill! A question for you Jeff: will you offer CD’s of your podcasts? They are fantastic? I also would like to hear more about our beloved pets. Today. My 16 1/2-year old Bichon crossed over s as no I’m totally devastated! I hope to see him. As no his sister Sal when it’s my time. Again, s million thanks

  2. I encountered Autobiography of a Yogi, before I found the Ananda meditation community near by in my town. The part of Autobiography of a Yogi that so touched my heart is that JESUS asked Babaji to teach his followers to reach out to the world and remind us, teach us, to love God with our hearts, not just the mind. To love God and worship with love, and particularly to remind Christians that God is Love and we are called to Love God and Love one another! God never stops loving YOU and wants you to know that and love back too!

  3. Thanks. It's nice to start a video and find yourself laughing within 2 minutes. Edit next day: I have a couple of things to respond to this video with. A few decades ago I was visiting a very spiritually oriented place in the British Isles and whilst there one year the whole subject of Babaji was prevalent. During that time I had begun to question myself as to whether I should see a hypnotist to take me back to previous incarnations or not. One day I was visiting one of the various living spaces at this place but when I arrived no one was there, but there was a copy of Autobiography of a Yogi on the ground. Thinking of the same question I opened the book on a random page and the sentence I first saw was pretty much along the lines that it would be preferable not to seek knowledge of reincarnation by means of hypnosis or other forms of 'easy' routes to knowledge. I took that to be pretty direct advice, which I followed. The other contribution is this video clip from another youtube channel that also relates to Rev. McDonald's account –

  4. I pulled out when he said he was meditating and making up his own meditations at 2-3 years old. I'm sorry but I don't believe it and if I have doubts about the sincerity of ones accounts I don't entertain it. I could be offbase but I don't think so.

  5. So happy to hear about Babaji.He was my main teacher since 1989. I didnt read the book until a few years later. Loved hearing his story. I think he went to Rishikesh.Baba and Jesus work closely together. Thank you Bill. On Namah Shivah