POWERFUL Channeling With AMERICA'S MEDIUM Carol Collins

POWERFUL Channeling With AMERICA'S MEDIUM Carol Collins

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Podcast guest 932 is Carol Collins, America’s Medium and alpha-state channeler for a group of non-physical beings recognized The Academics of Jeshua, or merely “The Academics.” Carol is a gifted channel whose capabilities spontaneously manifested in March 2019. By way of her, Jeshua teaches about collective consciousness, manifesting with simplicity, health and fitness and wellness as a result of normal healing, and intuitive studies bringing out the natural abilities to join with Guides and Loved Ones in everyone. In 2021 Jeshua channeled 11 textbooks with additional on the way. She regularly offers readings, courses, and workshops with Jeshua. She has been interviewed by celebrity personalities, highlighted in more than 20 magazines, and named Top 10 Gals to Enjoy by LA Weekly and her initial reserve, Ocularity of the Mind achieved #1 for New Releases on its debut on Amazon. She is mounting quickly to be amid the excellent channelers of the planet. Jeshua’s Wisdom from Over and above is described as “the depth of Edgar Cayce, the substance of Jane Roberts, in the design and style of Esther Hicks.”

Mind Body Link: Develop Your Reality and Pave the Way to Your Intuitive Qualities

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  1. The "Pendulum test" seems interesting, but I have my own test for figuring out who's the real deal and who's not – I use my own built-in device called "BS Meter". Carol seems like a nice enough person, but unfortunately didn't pass my BS Meter smell test.

  2. Just waffling and sound like Ester Hicks who's made millions from the waffle. If these are so called truthers why don't they be succinct and just get to the point. So much corruption on the planet and skirt around it to sell books etc.

  3. I found her retelling her experience with depression very familiar as it mirrored mine. There was UK based philosopher and mystic the late Peter Wilberg who in his essays about embodied awareness talked extensively about depression as an attempt by the inner awareness to awaken the surface mind by pulling or quite literally de-pressing the waking consciousness into the belly region to experience a new embodied sense of self, whose cognisance whoud recognise the presence of the inner Self, and also that the depression is in a way if followed through in this way a calling by the inner Self. If depression is only medicalised then that us tantamount to a spiritual miscarriage, for every illness is a latency of a new sense of self which the person is trying to give birth to. In other words if depression is understood spiritually by the person it will be experienced as a pregnancy. This goes in line with what Seth said about one body and many selves, and that the inner Self sends into physical expressions new selves our whole life. Therefore any illness is an attempt by the inner Self to push through a new sense of self, which is an answer to the life problems we are dealing and which the old self can't answer. So if you want to solve life's challenges be ready for these transformative periods where you're gripped by new moods, which are attunements to the new self-states.

  4. I want to thank Jeff for having Carol on to share her story and knowledge. I know Carol and have felt the "buzz" being felt from beyond from our first conversation from a random phone call from her in 2019, while sitting in my neurologist waiting room in Pittsburgh.

    I later agreed to have several sittings with her guides and had a major healing from them, as I traveled and healed from nature.

    One thing, our right brain (emotional in the way it approaches things and seeks integration) controls our left side of the body and our left brain (Analytical, and logical) controls our right side of the body. The conversation about the sneezing should be switched, unless I misunderstood what she was saying.

    Wonderful interview.

  5. The last time I checked, Esther or Abraham Hicks was worth over 10 million dollars. Edgar Casey did his work for free. You do the math. I don't trust people with money like that. I wouldn't think the higher realm would use words like hustle and bustle! Their speaking is much more intelligent than that.

  6. Asking a pendulum can easily be as distorted by mind chatter and/or the subconscious or conscious mind—just as channeling can.

    And, thus, like channeling , a pendulum may equally not give sone infallible or “objective” overview of what’s going with the inner source of any material.

    It’s answers may be as distorted by mind chatter as the channeling.

  7. Jeff , thank you. You are fantastic you’re doing a great job and everybody you have on you channel including Carol is absolutely amazing thank you so much. Keep up the good work