Nurse Encountered Healing Etherial Beings During Her Near Death Experience

Nurse Encountered Healing Etherial Beings During Her Near Death Experience

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  1. They come and heal me all the time. Vibrations late at night when I have Diverticulitis and asthma. I say thank you to them. Some times I can see then. They are all white about 10 feet tall looks like people made out if a cloud.

  2. Jeff and mara im in the beginning of the program, but it really struck me to share my experience, i mentioned it in the live last night. I areived very late, but i had another experience last night as well. Out of this world. Literally. I wouod like to come on the show and share, can you tell me how i may be able to? Thanks so much!

  3. The Wim Hoff breathing technique is the strongest, quickest way I have found to get to an incredibly deep meditative place. One time practicing it I felt as though I was in a tunnel of light, heard a bell and loud wind noises rushing past me. Powerful stuff. I do cold showers daily too. Worth checking out if you haven’t already.

  4. Jeff, you did a masterful job keeping this interview on track, lol! I enjoyed Laura's sharing "style" although she's a bit all over the place, jumping trains of thought. I have a good friend (who was also one of my Reiki teachers) now in her 80s who is also a massive Fan of St. Hildegard de Bingen (however its spelled). I think she was an extraordinary woman of her time, for sure—and really appeals to women who got heavily influenced by Women's Lib in the 1970s, when they were coming of age during a major societal shift. I was a teen back then too—but even then I was more an Observer of the Human Saga than one who got caught up in politics of the day. Her insights about the beings who help raise the Vibrational Frequencies in an ill person–and with JOY (!!) is a very helpful contribution to our overall understanding. I've done a lot of Long Distance Healing myself—and it always has to happen when I feel calm, centered, and clear—so that the Love Frequency is not all mucked up with any of my personal emotional baggage.