Marina is a Mother of Human-ALIEN Hybrids!

Marina is a Mother of Human-ALIEN Hybrids!

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Podcast guest 241 is Maria Seren. Marina is a psychic medium, conscious channeler, experiencer, ET contactee/abductee, …

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  1. I can do relate just 2 nights ago I fell asleep and was able to see my wall tapestry through my forehead and was coming up out of my body I resisted and told myself wake and open your physical eyes. As I woke and opened my 2 eyes I was laying in the same position staring right at the same spot on the wall with my tapestry.

  2. This kid hasn't been through anything. Every word out of her mouth was more on the subject of everything and all that I have researched myself for the last whatever years. She never actually answers the questions with our origin, existence, spirit etc, Never fully describes what she remembers from her 'abductions', just trails off into the words I have already seen, hurd and read about.

  3. The lost leading the lost.. even the short near death experiences you do not know if people were going to hell after being shown why, demons and fallen angels can make people think any thing until it is too late. Kundalini spirit and guides, all demonic, lying spirits, misleading many. You need to read your bible from Genesis and do research in that instead of these misleading evil spirits that will be dragging your soul to hell when you die. Prayers to Jesus/Yeshua, that you will wake up and fond the truth, pray for that as well, before it is too late.

  4. Hi Marina, you have a vast knowledge of everything! You are very beautiful also I enjoyed this very much. Where did you get your necklace, I like it. Could you give me the email address of where to shop for a necklace like that? Thank you Marina. I hope Jeff will get you to come back again.

  5. Oh oh… this one (interview) is just too much for me… she indeed looks like an alien/human hybrid and that scares me… Totally surreal. I've watched dozens of Jeff's interviews and, to my perception, it's the first time where he seems so perplex and little interested in his interview… and, yes I mostly skipped to Jeff's questions to observe his reactions. I'm certainly not ''judging'' that woman, I'm mainly extremely surprised by the whole thing and a bit afraid that watching this interview might be destabilizing for people with mental issues.

  6. Sounds like AI…..something like "Sophia" to be a teacher for us to transition, don't know Jeff I get the teaching but don't get the why use Robots to still trick people. Just saying! Check out the eye movements specifically…..they are timed!

  7. No way she's being abducted by "positive" entities if they're creating hybrids from her DNA. And it's next level gaslighting/manipulation to try and tell you that you "agreed" to do this before you ever even started this life.