Man Shocked After Taking His Own Life & Being Shown His Future – Jeff Tolley's NDE

Man Shocked After Taking His Own Life & Being Shown His Future – Jeff Tolley's NDE

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Jeff Tolley shares his Near Death Experience (NDE) soon after remaining so distraught just after his brother’s death that he took his possess life. Although on the other side Jeff achieved up with his brother and three beings that showed him he experienced extra to reside for and the condition of his energies bodies. He was also shown his long run and the future of Earth. Jeff came back again from his near-death experience with a renewed perception for life and a new outlook on lifetime and his objective.

Aspect 2 – The Extended Job interview:

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E-mail: [email protected]




#nde #neardeathexperience #shamanoaks #jefftolley

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  1. This brings up a long time question of mine. If you can see your future during an NDE, yet you have free will to change your future like he decided. How does that work and how do you know you make the right decisions. IE marriage, children, moving, other life altering stuff…

  2. I’m not sure all these after death experiences are biblical. Our purpose here is to spread the Good News of Christ to receive salvation for as many people as possible and to life holy lives. When we die, we are at rest until the second coming of Christ. We know one commandment is thou shalt not kill. Suicide is killing the body. Although only Jesus decides who shall have eternal life, we know what the Bible says about losing your salvation. Allowing demons and Satan to destroy your life instead of seeking God will probably cost you. I’m sorry so many people believe their loved ones are in Heaven when it’s not true.

  3. Does the different earth represent your life a as a different person? Or will there be some actual big change on the planet that would make things better? If so, when.. how long is this agony going to continue?

  4. If you were dead, the Bible, the Word of God Almighty says that you were conscious of NOTHING at all! Ecclesiastes 9:5,10! Should we believe you or the Almighty God? He also tells us that when a person dies they return to the dust, the spirit returns to God, Ecclesiastes 12:7! You may say my soul experienced this, but that's not possible because you see Almighty God tells us that the soul dies, it's not immortal! So 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 says that " Satan keeps transforming himself into an angel of light. It is nothing great if his ministers keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness." Yes, Satan is misleading the entire inhabited earth Revelation 12:9! Soon at Armageddon, God will destroy all those who are teaching lies about Him and His Word! Psalms 92:7; Psalms 37:9-11!;You probably don't believe that, do you? God cannot lie, Titus 1:2; Numbers 23:19! He is not a man!

  5. Excellent message and experience. Regarding the future, all other NDE's show that the earth is going to have a huge change, but mainly a negative change. The most common future seems to include significant earthquakes and volcanoes that change the world completely. Your depiction appears to be more positive. Is that correct?