Hermaphroditic Aliens Reveal There Was 2nd Jesus & More Unknown Human History – Thiaoouba Prophecy

Hermaphroditic Aliens Reveal There Was 2nd Jesus & More Unknown Human History – Thiaoouba Prophecy

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  1. I've seen drawings on the pyramid's walls, depicting the Egyptians dragging the stones on ropes and pouring water on the sand, to make it possible! The engineers have tried this method and we're able to move the stone unexpectedly easily. You can find this program, showing the whole process on YouTube!
    So far, these aliens got already too many things wrong, but I haven't even seen the whole program get!. We're talking about verifiable information.

  2. Dolores Cannons books also talk in length about ET visits to earth to help evolve humans via DNA manipulation for thousands of years and their contributions to things like the pyramids etc, abductions, she documents her dialogues with clients she regressed to between lives states, reincarnation in depth…highly recommend.

  3. So many of us want to think beyond race, it was very strange to hear about “yellow” and “black” people arriving from different planets or at different times. I wonder what is the case then with animals and how this theory comes together with evolution and other timetables with life of Earth.

  4. haha" thiaoouba " pronounced in french equals "chao ba" in vietnamese … it means in french bonjour madame or good morning madam in english …." Thao " is simply a vietnamese female name ….. me as a french vietnamese guy , i guess that Michel Desmarquet who had an experience in Vietnam , used some few words in vietnamese language to name an imaginary world … I guess all his book about E T abduction comes from his own strategy to share his nice philosophy of life more easily , using extra terrestrial for more credibility …

  5. WOW! I told my wife this a long time ago that I believed that all the different races here came from other planets. Because we looked different and I never believed that we all came from Eve, because if that was the case we would all look the same. We wouldn't have whites, blacks, Asian, and other types of races. So I was right. Thanks for that clarification at 40:00 minute mark.

  6. I found this book at 20 years of age and it changed my life! To some degree it happened due to me having several brief expeirences with Thao who in a way helped me with certain difficulties I had. If it wasn't for those experiences, I might have not been as involded with this book as I was during the last 14 years.
    It's good to see that people are interested in it. It has lots of truths that could greatly help people with their personal lives and it can also help the whole society. It says how to properly organize ourselves, for example.
    Several things were not quite accurate but Samuel did a great job regardless conveying what information he could share in just 1 hour. If you want ot read it you can find the book online for free.

  7. So I got an hour into this to hear the information left out of the book and then he says if you want to know it you have to contact him. I am so perturbed it has put me off of your channel. As intelligent as he sounds, that is a con artist comment and action.

  8. Just finished reading this book, it is the most mind-blowing information I've ever come across. And I've been exploring spiritually more or less, off and on, for 30 years or more. I intend to read the book 2 more times as it suggests. Thanks again Jeff.

  9. I sit with people online on zoom and they see some of the. The face of Jesus shining on my face, he then brings through the souls of their loved ones and their faces appear over mine. They then go on to have a conversation with each other. I would like someone out there to help me understand this.

  10. i read abduction to the 9th planet when it was released. I even attended a talk michel gave at a metaphysical bookshop in St Kilda melbourne. I was really moved by his story. I no longer have the book but I'm hoping to find a video about the tribes that seeded earth as I wonder if there are overlaps between michel story and paul Wallis theory's which I will link. this is worth watching if you are interested in creation myths and ets… I just found it today and was totally impressed.

  11. I knew and lived near Michel Desmarquet in Vietnam. I found him to be an unassuming fellow, and yet could be most engaging in conversation. We lived in a district where there were many French ex-pats, excellent coffee shops, and where everyone smoked. It was after he transitioned that I discovered and read his book the Thiaoouba Prophecy. There are free to download PDF copies on the Internet.

  12. If you believe this nonsense, you are a lost case. This is how they make money by cooperating and fooling gullible people. ETs can do all of this but can’t interfere with COVID, Ukraine, hurricanes, floods and animals burning alive in forest fires.

  13. Pleasantly suprised to have come across this as I have read Abduction to the 9th planet many years ago when I became interested in the subject matter. It was indeed a fascinating story and Michel and fascinating man.

  14. Was really starting to get into this channel, but like always money and acknowledgement interfere. I've enjoyed and appreciate a lot of the videos, but I'm greatly discouraged with the half-truths. When there is nothing less than honesty we're just feeding into the propaganda, and the jacked-up world we know. It's not making it better it's just making it more confused.

  15. " Those that don't remember the past are DOOMED to repeat it forever "
    Also , in the trillions of planets in the universe , people keep reincarnating on Earth ! Wouldn't you want to reincarnate on Theioouba ? 🙂

  16. I heard that there was two Jesus one that said and really believed he was Jesus he got crucified and the real one was able to live a full life and have children this story was explained by remote viewing the Farsight Institute

  17. New earth 5th dimension earth is coming soon. Books like – Transition to the golden age 2032 – Diana Cooper , sunshine before the dawn- judy satori, incredibly believable – sunny satin, New energy – dr Revathi Devi give some details. We are living in the most exciting times in the universe.